August 23, 2007

P-G Editorial Board: Luke Doesn't Get It

From today's editorial. After the board points out that Mayor Luke told the ethics board that he received nothing of value, they state the obvious:
Excuse us, not only did he play golf at an exclusive club with UPMC and Penguins executives, but the mayor's foursomes also included Penguins star Sidney Crosby and former NFL quarterback Joe Theismann. The event was so memorable that the mayor didn't mind showing reporters, in his office after the hearing, two photos of his golfing groups. Yet he downplayed the whole event before the ethics panel.

"The only thing of value I received was knowing I played a small part in seeing the work of the foundation will continue," the mayor told the board. "This was not a gift to me. I received nothing from UPMC."

It's true that no one gave Luke Ravenstahl a check for $9,000, but his two-day golf treat reminds us of the boy whose grandparents take him to Kennywood Park for the day. They pay the little shiner's $19 admission, only to hear the boy say later, "My grandparents gave me nothing of value. All I received was knowing I played a small part in the continued vitality of a cherished local institution."

And they hit the "Luke is immature" button one more time:
While the mayor may not have violated the city ethics code (it exempts charities from its limits on free event admissions for city officials), his failure to see how his actions could create an appearance of impropriety should be a big worry for all Pittsburghers. His lack of an apology betrays a certain immaturity.
As Mark DeSantis said, the fact the mayor doesn't see it is astounding.

1 comment:

  1. Luke's arrogance (or is it stupidity?) over this issue is really amazing.

    It's very interesting to imagine what shape his campaign would be in if the Mayoral race was truly competitive. This one event alone would have taken him down...

