September 4, 2007

A Few Notes on The Surge

Now that we know that Bush make a surprise visit to Iraq this weekend, it might be a good idea to take a look at some of the stuff the wingnuts in the area definitely won't be talking about.

(h/t to Think Progress on the link)

On the supposed drop in insurgent attacks. Too bad a great deal of the dirty work has already been accomplished. From Newsweek:
When Gen. David Petraeus goes before Congress next week to report on the progress of the surge, he may cite a decline in insurgent attacks in Baghdad as one marker of success. In fact, part of the reason behind the decline is how far the Shiite militias' cleansing of Baghdad has progressed: they've essentially won.
Seems that the Shiites have been doing that for some time now.


  1. like the old saying goes:

    there are lies, damn lies and then there are statistics!

  2. We need to get out of IRAQ now.
