September 27, 2007

In Honor of Sgt. Omar Mora & Sgt. Yance T. Gray
(A Project of Comments From Left Field)

Did you catch this over at Comments from Left Field?

On Monday September 10, 2007 Sgt. Omar Mora and Sgt. Yance T. Gray died in a vehicle accident in western Baghdad, two of seven U.S. troops killed in the incident which was reported just as Gen. David Petraeus was about to report to Congress on progress in the "surge."

Both serving in the Army’s 82nd Airborne, America at large would not come to know Sgt. Gray and Sgt. Mora’s names until August 19th of this year. Omar and Tell joined with five other soldiers to pen a critical OpEd in the New York Times entitled, The War As We Saw It.

In honor of these men please join the bloggers of Comments From Left Field in making a joint contribution on their behalf to the Fisher House. We urge you to give what you can to this noble cause for only in this way can Omar and Tell continue to make the lives of their fellow soldiers better even after their passing. We can think of no honor more fitting of a soldier.
Click here to read the full post at Comments.

More importantly, click HERE to donate.

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