September 25, 2007

Off The Record

Here's the P-G's coverage of this year's "Off The Record."
Now in its seventh year, "Off the Record VII" still spoofs the city of Pittsburgh and all that makes us unique. As always, this one-night-only musical extravaganza pokes fun at local politics, politicians and other newsmakers, but this year, it turns its guns on itself. Welcome to "Off the Record VII: Blogged to Death!" a satirical look at local media's attempt to stay afloat on the wave of technology.
And some more info:
Sponsored by the Pittsburgh Newspaper Guild/CWA (mainly writers and artists at the Post-Gazette) and AFTRA (the Pittsburgh chapter of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists), "Off the Record" has raised $131,000 for the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank, with additional donations going to the two unions' scholarship funds, pediatric AIDS research, Hurricane Katrina victims and the Highmark Caring Place.
Is anyone else planning on going? The tickets start at $20 bucks - that might be a little steep. However (this is from the website):

Your ticket includes the Off The Record VII pre-show (6:30-8pm) and post-show (9:30-10:30) receptions in the Byham lobby. Great food provided by La Prima Expresso, Jenny Lee Bakery, Breadworks, McGinnis Sisters, Legends of the North Shore, Hyeholde, and Whole Foods. There is a cash bar for your enjoyment.

Typical. A cash bar.

See you there!


  1. I'll go as far as the sidewalk outside to hand out my campaign literature. Beyond that I'm not going to make any promises.

  2. Cash bars are an abomination unto the Lord.

  3. I would but I have a midterm that night.
