October 2, 2007

GOP - Going the way of the Whigs?

From the AP. Things aren't looking up for God's Own Party, nationally. Poor guys. The major leading indicators point downward for our friends across the aisle.

Fundraising for Republican campaign organizations lags. That is strikingly so in the House, where the party committee spent more than it raised in each of the past two months, reported only $1.6 million in the bank at the end of August and a debt of nearly $4 million.

Democrats reported $22.1 million in the bank and a debt of slightly more than $3 million.

So even with the Rush "phony soldiers" Limbaugh noise machine working for them, they're still having trouble fundraising in the House. Poor guys - no really. I weep for them every day.

Speaking of The Addict, did you see that instead of condemning him (like they did with the Moveon.org ad) some Republicans want to commend him for supporting the troops. I guess those Republicans also believe that only those troops that support Dubya's bloody war are "real" soldiers.


  1. these are the people that have the most to lose, in many ways, from admitting they were wrong.

    they will weave fairy tales til the end of their days to back up the positions they took.

  2. ..and here I thought we were finally rid of him. According to the NY Times, Rick Santorum is considering running for Governor in 2010 when Rendell's second term is up.

  3. I can't revel in the GOP's demise. The Democrats' performance of late has been so utterly dismal - from the failure to defund the war, which Rahm and Pelosi have pretty much admitted they won't try to do - to the lack of follow-up on the Justice Dept. scandals and even to the recent vote, by voice, of course, to continue throwing millions of dollars away on abstinence-only education programs.

    As bondad said today on Kos, these guys and gals suck. They are no better than the corrupt Republicans. They are playing politics with peoples' lives, hoping to ride out the next year and a half and hope the disaffection with the war brings them even greater victories in the '08 elections.

    Do you realize that $300 billion of the $680 billion dumped into this war so far has come on the Democrats watch?!

    I'm done with them.

  4. "Going the way of the Whigs" is going a bit overboard. Are the Republicans today really any worse off than, say, the Democrats were in 1979, when the impending doom of the 1980 election was clear as day? I can't really say myself (I was in sixth grade, after all), but my sense is that the Carter-era Democrats may have actually been in an even worse situation that today's Republicans.

    Fundamentally, both parties have the exact same problem once they roll into power. While they can get into the majority by acknowledging that things are bad, they don't feel confortable that such acknowlegements will allow them to stay there. Instead, within a year or two, they feel the need to paint a rosy picture all over again. They have to show how much "better" things are now that they are in the majority. And so, just like their defeated predecessors on the other side of the aisle, they start pretending that our nation really hasn't written a bunch of checks -- from defense spending all the way down to Social Security -- that it will never be able to cash.

    Since everything is all "rosy" again, they start ramping up the spending to reward their core constituencies. Eventually, things get even worse, the debt becomes an issue again, and the other side gets pissed that all this money is being spent on the "wrong" things.

    And the "revolution" begins anew, just to get started all over again with the new party.

  5. John K. says: LOL LOL And you liberals think Jesse MacBeth is a soldier. He is in jail for fraud to the veterans administration. LMAO

  6. John K. says: Oh Oh, Listen to this, Senator Reid has no military service. None at all. Yet he criticizes those in the military (Gen. Petreaus) while stating that if you have not worn the uniform you cannot do the same.
    And then there is Sen. Harkins. He falsified his Vietnam service. And Sen Kerry said in his biography (written by Douglas Brinkley) that he had invaded Cambodia on Christmas 1968. He had to ammed that biography. Three times LOL LOL LMAO three times. That is funny. And now we have Rep. Murtha lying again. He said he called those Marines murderers from the House floor. Except for that pesky press conference, which was clearly not on the floor of the House. Now Chucky Schumer, ( I love this guy) has never even been to Iraq. (Limbaugh has been to Afghanistan). Oh Oh, if this stuff gets out what will the left do now. Get Cullen and her 7 audience members to rebutt. LOL LOL You can get McIntire, but he is no longer employed. LOL Man are you lefties dumb.

  7. Hey, dtofj, I've missed you. Your posts brimming with intelligence are such a dear addition to this blog.

    What I love about your is your adamant stand to abstain from actual analysis or think for yourself. That is inspiring.

    Your ability to be beholden to party over country - as well as to the blow-up doll of Druggie Limbaugh in the windowless basement of your parents' house - also is admirable indeed.

    And, finally, the ease with which you ignore the actual war, focusing exclusively on the meaningless infighting about who really supports the troops, is sublime.

    I know that Druggie Limbaugh chuckles about ditto heads like you while he plops out the fried chicken with a Viagra chaser he had for breakfast, because you keep him living the high life, same as falafel boy. But, really, they should pay you more respect. Lapping up their "outrage" is a skill only a few have -- the 30 percenters who still think Dumbya is doing a good job. Elite company, indeed.

    So, please, dtofj, keep up the good work. The "phony soldiers" appreciate it very much.

  8. John K. says: Look at you left wing kooks...No one in here has denounced Jesse MacBeth except for me. You left wing kooks held Jesse MacBeth up as a truthful hero. Even the lefties know how to play you liberals for fools. Like I said, way too easy. Jesse MacBeth the phony soldier and you lefties blame it on Limbaugh.LOL

  9. Tell me, dtojf, what is more important: that Jesse MacBeth was a phony soldier - I am guessing, b/c I honestly have not paid that close attention to this nonscandal - or the phony WMD, the phony aluminum tubes, the phony mobile biological weapons labs, or, to move to more current times, the phony "progress" cited by Betrayus (the troops nickname for him, btw)? Which has an actual bearing on the war and which is meaningless drivel meant to drive chickenhawks like you into a frothing rage?

    I'll denounce the phony soldier if you'll admit all of those things I cited are phony - up for it?

  10. John K. says: I know Rush wasn't referring to Jesse MacBeth when he used the plural 'phony soldiers'.
    He was flirting on air with a caller from Chicago dissing the previous caller who claimed to be military but didn't support the war in Iraq. Rush and the male whore caller gushed about phony soldiers who claim that they are not behind the president.
    This is all making me crazy! Rush is getting hot and bothered with someone other than me and all the talk about being 'behind the president'....I am so desperate for intimacy...LOL LOL LOL
    Someone please be my special friend!

  11. John K. says: I'm so upset over Rush, I hope he's not cheating on me. I think I'll make him jealous and make Honz my steady. LOL LOL

  12. John K. says: Yes my new paramour will be the Honz! I can rubber band the extra folds of his belly skin to make lots of 'phony soldiers'.

  13. GOP is goating "p0wned" in fundrasing. DCCC, DSCC and Presidential candidates have a lot more money than their Republican counterparts. The only place it's close is DNC vs. RNC, and even there, it's push.

    Not that the DNC doesn't get it's share. It's just that Dean has been investing it heavily in re-establishing a truly national Democratic party, with a presence in every state.

    The fate of the GOP is interesting and current trends to do not portend a bright future.

    Among 18-30, the GOP has very little support. And it's not just a opposition to Rebpulican policies - it's a fierce opposition. As these people grow older and continue to vote, it's likely they'll vote overwhelming Democratic. Just like Hoover created an entire generation of FDR Democrats, Bush might be the best thing that every happened to the Democratic party and progressives.

    The GOP prez candidates are boning it up for their party with two other constituencies - African Americans and Latinos.

    One of the things Bush was good at was reaching out to the Latino community. However, the hardline GOP stance on immigration has pushed that block of voters overwhelming into the Democratic camp.

    And with the four leading nominees blowing of Tavis Smiley's debate on PBS, not knowing diddly squat about Jena and W's botched handling of Katrina, it seems likely that it will be a very, very, very long time before Republicans will compete for Democrats with the African American vote.

    In some ways, the Southern Strategy has come around to bite the GOP in the ass. Having to appeal to more reactionary elements in American culture as they pursued capturing the South's electoral votes during the 60's, 70's and 80's, the GOP has altered it's platform so much that it is losing influence in New England, the industrial Mid-west and the Rocky Mountain states.

    Both partie's stronghold states are even more so, but where the Democrat's are gaining ground in states like Colorado, Ohio and Virginia, the GOP really has no comparable growth and seems to be on a path toward confinement among the states of the old Confederacy.

    Political ideas have stood the test of time, but political movements don't last long - relatively speaking and with the exception of civil rights. A movement like modern day conservatism seems to have reached it's zenith between the Republican takeover of Congress in 1994 and the end of the first year of the Iraq War. It started in the late 40's, with red-baiters like Nixon, so it's had quite a run but seems to have run it's course - at least until the next conclave of selfish, violent reactionaries emerges.

    The best indicator of weakness and vulnerability with regards to a poltical party or movement is fundraising. Where is the money going?

    Right now people are betting on blue in a big, big way.

  14. John K. says: Just as I thought. Not one left wing kook denounced Jesse MacBeth. Not one. I suppose Macbeth will get a guest spot on Olbermouth when he gets out of prison. After all to the left, Jesse MacBeth is a real soldier.

  15. John K. says: I am bipolar today! I already admitted that my use of Jesse MacBeth as my lover Rush's phony soldier was repeating a lie and now I want to bring throw Jesse back on you lefties!
    I parrot the spin from Fox so well!
