October 4, 2007

The Latest On The "Phony Soldiers" Charge

A youtube response from an actual soldier:

And then what did The Addict do? After admitting he'd not see the ad, he characterized the whole thing with a sort of suicide bombing metaphor:

He discusses his service in Iraq, the wounds he suffered there, and he says to me in this ad, "Until you have the guts to call me a 'phony soldier' to my face, stop telling lies about my service." You know, this is such a blatant use of a valiant combat veteran, lying to him about what I said, then strapping those lies to his belt, sending him out via the media in a TV ad to walk into as many people as he can walk into.

This man will always be a hero to this country with everyone. Whoever pumped him full of these lies about what I said and embarrassed him with this ad has betrayed him. They're not hurting me, they're betraying this soldier. Now, unless he actually believes what he's saying, in which case it's just so unfortunate and sad when the truth of what I said is right out there to be learned.

Turns out that Rush didn't check with McGough on any of this. How do I know? He was on Olbermann and said so:

Rush is a lying weasel.


  1. John K. says: But no comments from Jesse MacBeth. The real subject of the controversy. Nope not a comment.

  2. I already offered to say, "OMG, yes, Jesse MacBeth was really a phony soldier" if you would address the multiple phony - aka, lies - that got us into this war and that continue to spew from the administration's mouth about progress in Iraq. But no response from you. Shocking.

    In any case, on to more substantive issues, such as the administration and Republican's continued strong support for our soldiers, like deporting the wife of a soldier going back for his 3rd tour of duty. Oh, and they have a baby, too.

  3. But no comments from Jesse MacBeth. The real subject of the controversy.

    Bzzzzt! Wrong! But thanks for playing.

    You've swallowed Rush's desperate spin that his comment was solely directed at Jesse MacBeth hook, line, and sinker. (Rush even edited his transcript on his website to back up this pathetic bit of backpedalling).

    Face it John, your hero the drug-addled, thrice-divorced, draft-dodging, liar Rush Limbaugh casually insulted thousands of men and women who proudly wear the uniform of the US armed forces--people who have more honor and dignity in their little fingers than Limbaugh has in his entire body (with or without the pimple on his ass)--and he's too much of a pompous coward to admit he's wrong.

    The unedited audio and transcript are here

  4. John K. says: Still no comments denouncing Jesse MacBeth. Typical. You lefties take the word of a convicted felonwho fake his military service. Too bad for you. What about that Rosie O'Donut comment about all our soldiers being terrorists? Left wing kooks...sheesh. When will they live up to their threats and move to Canada?

  5. I hereby denounce MacBeth. I denounce his wife as well. The murders of Duncan and Banquo were unforgiveable.

    Satisfied? You can go back to obsessing about Bill Clinton's penis now John.

  6. Sorry, but John and the rest of the wingnuts can never stop thinking of Clinton's penis -- even when they're posting about something else.

  7. and that's it right there maria. you've hit upon the truth of it all.

    sad, isn't it?

  8. John K. says: LMAO, you left wing kooks brought up Clinton and blamed it on me. LMAO All you lefties need is some Bill Clinton man juice LOL to make your lives complete. Stop with the Bill Clinton stuff already. Can't you left wing kooks move on?

  9. John K. says: I hate Monica L. She got to see Clinton's penis and I didn't that's not fair. I'm jealous that's why I hate Clinton. Hell I would have even put on that blue dress and I love a good cigar. LOL LOL
