October 16, 2007

More "Phony" Soldiers

Start Spinning, Rush!

We've had sergeants and generals speak out against the war in Iraq. In today's Washington Post, twelve former captains weigh in:
There is one way we might be able to succeed in Iraq. To continue an operation of this intensity and duration, we would have to abandon our volunteer military for compulsory service. Short of that, our best option is to leave Iraq immediately. A scaled withdrawal will not prevent a civil war, and it will spend more blood and treasure on a losing proposition.

America, it has been five years. It's time to make a choice.

(h/t to Meteor Blades at Daily Kos)


  1. John K. says: So leave already. You control congress. LOL But you can't because you don't have the votes. The only thing the Democrat Congress can attack is a radio talk show host who does not have access to the floor of the Senate to fight back. Typical liberal hypocracy.

  2. John K. says: Sen. Reid's negatives in Nevada are lower than Limbaugh's. LMAO And you forgot to post the 2nd part of Gen. Sanchez's speech where he clearly stated that the media is the problem in Iraq. They post false stories and emphasize the negative. Your actions harm the troops. So again left wing kooks, tell me all about Jesse Macbeth and the moveon.org ad about Gen Petreaus and then tell me about how you support the troops. LT Murphy USN anyone?

  3. Ah, Chickenhawk-san. You very much humor today.

    Amusing that you would blame Congress for attacking Rush "who does not have access to the floor of the Senate to fight back." No, all he has is a gazillion idiots like you ready to grab their pitchforks and burn witches.

    But even more amusing is that you use Rush as the standard to which to compare low negative ratings. But, but, isn't he THE GOD? How can anyone have negative feelings about THE JUNKIE GOD?

    If you were just a little better at this, you would be awful.

  4. Those twelve are real soldiers, but tellingly, none has served in Iraq this year. A lot has happened this year -- General Petraeus taking over, the surge, the Anbar Awakening, similar movements spreading to Shiite areas, etc. They might have had a different perspective if they had been in Iraq when these changes occurred.

    As for their point that Iraq isn't a modern, first world country: this is true, but not exactly newsworthy. No one expects us to turn Iraq into Switzerland, but if Iraq stabilizes as a self-sufficient, pluralistic country, it will be a radical improvement for the region, and we'll be a lot better off for it.

    One meta-point: Since when has it been considered appropriate for active duty troops to write op-eds, either pro or against a current war? This is a bad precedent, and one which Dems will most assuredly live to regret.

  5. Hey, Schmuck Shitrock... Yours is a typical Liberal rant, with no substance except character attack and assassination. You are the epitome of why the DemocRATS are on a sinking ship, and they don't even realize it. But keep it up! The more people look at rants like yours, the more they'll realize what Rush has to say about Reid and company is correct. (By the way, I lived in Nevada for 5 years and I can say Harry Reid was the WORST senator I've ever encountered. It was a joyous day when I left Nevada, but I felt bad for the friends I left there that had to endure more of Harry Reid!)

  6. rockyspoon,

    If the Democrats are on a "sinking ship", then us Republicans must be in the water already, clinging to driftwood.

    I'm not a fan of the Dems' attempts to undermine the war effort in Iraq and to threaten our fiscal future with more Santa Claus entitlement policies, but it doesn't do us any good to deny the reality that we are in bad political position right now.

  7. Thanks for the invitation, Rockyspoon. I'll be happy to continue to make you Wingnuts look stupid. Hang around and egg me on. (You guys usually last a couple of months before you get tired of eating my shit.)

    Speaking of shit, I couldn't possibly give two about whether Harry Reid is the worst Senator in the history of the universe. The Dems in general are spineless political hacks. The only thing they have going for them is that they look like gods compared to the greedy, corrupt, sexually-deviant, chickenhawk Republicans, who keep sending other people's kids -- under-equipped and poorly lead -- to die so that Dick Cheney can put another billion in the bank.

    Rush may very well be right about Reid. He had to be right about something sooner or later. It's statistics. Even a blind addict finds an OxyContin from time to time. But he lies to you every day, and you gobble it up, spit it back out in blogs, and get ripped apart by people who have two dendrites to rub together.

    So keep coming back. We love it when you stop by and demonstrate your ignorance and gullibility.

    BTW, how many tours have you served in Iraq?
