October 3, 2007

URGENT! Email Your Representative to Support EC Access for Rape Survivors

Emergency Contraception for Rape Victims:


House Bill 288, the Compassionate Assistance for Rape Emergencies (CARE) Act, will finally have a vote in the Pennsylvania House TODAY!

House Bill 288 requires all Pennsylvania hospitals to provide information about and access to emergency contraception (EC) medication to rape survivors if they request it - a critical tool to empower survivors by giving them a choice when it comes to preventing a pregnancy as a result of assault.

The opposition is flooding House members with emails, and now the women of Pennsylvania need YOU to stand up and do the same. This vote will be extremely close and adding your voice can make the difference.

You can email your rep via NARAL Pro-Choice Pennsylvania or via Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania Advocates, but, you have to do it right NOW.



  1. I am pro-life. However, anybody that thinks emergency contraception should be denied to rape victims is an idiot. I hope that Pennsylvanian rape victims will continue to be able to access emergency contraception.

  2. I hope you take a sec to contact your Rep if you haven't already.


  3. I live in Maryland. We don't really have a problem with that sort of thing here, as we're a far more progressive state (in general).

    I'm about 5 miles from the PA line, but the state Reps up in Waynesboro and Greencastle are right-wing lunatics.

  4. just emailed Joe Preston. I have no idea where he falls on this (I just know he's kind of an ass). But at least I can do some good via absentee!
