November 23, 2007

There ought to be a law . . .

From Gloria at The Pittsburgh Women's Blogging Society:

Source: WPXI – Rick Earle story, he’s doing a follow up.

The details I have:

Pgh. Police Ofcr. Bradley Walker was arrested – 2 counts of assault. Spent night in All. County jail. Is now out, without bail, back on active duty with NO restrictions – yes, that means he still has his gun.

With all of the media attention, council hearings, public outcry & demand for redress over the last 6 months, this is how the police brass reacts to Walker’s situation?

Council will deliberate the new ordinance, which merges Shields/Peduto’s work with that of the Admin. & Police Dept., on Weds., November 28th.
The police cannot not be allowed to police themselves.

And, under the guidelines of the International Association of Chiefs of Police this officer would not be permitted to carry a gun.


  1. i will be very interested in the follow up.

  2. In Rick's follow up he said the 2 counts were: #1 guy assaults wife #2 guy assaults his child

    Also said he's a 14 yr. veteran of the Police Dept.

  3. John K. says: I will be interested in the follow up also. I have not seen any conviction just an allegation. However, this is a left leaning blog and you left wing kooks do have a tendency to convict based solely on the mob.

  4. As he was arrested and charged with two counts you're calling his fellow officers and the courts a "mob." Again, it's the International Association of Chiefs of Police who think that the best practice is to give an officer facing these charges a desk job until the matter is cleared up one way or another. Certainly a Conservative would understand the concept of not leaving the city open to lawsuits by having someone under suspicion of being violent out on the streets carrying a gun in the name of the city.

    Currently, the US Military will take away your gun just based on a PFA. Being arrested and charged is far more serious than a PFA.

  5. John K. says: Yep, being arrested is not a conviction. Nor is it construed to be a removal of constitutional rights. That is the result of a conviction by a trial. But when you are part of the mob with a agenda, why mess it up with the legality of a trial? Note to the left about mobs; They cut off the head of Robespierre.

  6. I'm sorry but no one is saying throw him jail with no trial -- he gets his Constitutional rights, unless you think that somehow everyone has the Constitutional right to be a police officer.

    Is that what you're saying?

    Are you saying that an employer has no leeway?

    If an employee is accused of assaulting a customer or client are you saying that the employer must keep the person on the job until after a trial?

    You seem to be saying that anything less would be unconstitutional...or you're just flapping your gums.

    Is that how you would handle it?

  7. John K. says: You left wing kooks will send anyone to the guilotine. I seem to remember when you wanted to send some Marines who had been to Haditha to death row on the words of a member of the House of Reps (Murtha). None of those Marines were charged as a crime had not been committed. So you slander a police officer based on an allegation. Like I said, the mob eventually consumed its leader, Robespierre, as most mobs do. Innocent until proven guilty unless it fits a left wing agenda.

  8. Yesterday the mayor's office said Walker's been put on administrative leave & they've seized his gun.

    Considering the arrest took place on Weds. night, it took the PD 2 1/2 days to take proper action on this matter.

    The Trib reports, "...the couple had been arguing throughout the day over a cell phone..."

  9. John K...
    too often in cases of "alleged" domestic violence,smoke leads to fire.Aren't we all fed up with hearing of a woman being killed post 5 PFA's by some idiot,who everyone warned that "he's gonna do it!!!"And BTW I'm the anti-thesis of a left wing kook

  10. John K. says: I think what really bothers you left wing kooks is that a police officer is carrying a pistol. Yah buddy smitty, convict them all without a trial. Remember lefties, the mob came for Robespierre in the end.

  11. He's been charged with appropriate crimes, has had his guns removed from his possession, and is working on desk duty. The City is following the IACP's protocol and best practice advice.

    Again, he has not been convicted of any crime and is entitled to his due process. If he's convicted of these offenses and then the City Police coddles him and does nothing --- then jump all over them. I think it has to play out......
