December 4, 2007

Police Domestic Violence Law Passes

If you're wondering if it was worth it to go Downtown and sit through two hours worth of Pittsburgh City Council to witness in person Bill No. 2007-1797 pass unanimously, in a word:


HUGE THANKS to all involved!


  1. Council's unanimous vote was made possible by everyone who called/emailed council, researched police-involved domestic violence, helped put together legislation, attended countless meetings and more.

    Thanks to those who supported the effort & stuck with it thru thick & thin.

    While our message today was that we're not going away because much still needs to be done - it felt damn good to witness the 8 out of 8 "yes" votes.


  2. i wish i could have witnessed it.

    yes, a big thanks to everyone.

  3. John K. says: Bring on the guilotine! No due process for Police Officers! Convict them without a fair trial! Constitutional rights for liberals only!
