December 5, 2007

The "War On Christmas" Christmas Cards

We posted our lovely, deluxe "War on Christmas" cards two years ago and we're bringing them back again because:

1) They're still relevant.
2) 2pj is enviro-friendly and believes in recycling.
3) They're getting a lot of hits lately from google (see here and here).
4) Snow! Snow! There's snow on the ground!
5) I'm a lazy sod.




  1. John K. says: Now you hate Christmas? What peace of earth and goodwill to men offends you? LMAO one sick puppy.

  2. You hate Christmas? Oh man...

    I bet you hate puppies, too.

  3. is the art of sarcasm beyond some people's understanding?

    i KNOW they must have been fox watchers over the past few holiday seasons.

  4. "is the art of sarcasm beyond some people's understanding?"

    Physician, heal thyself.

  5. you were just too subtle. especially after j.k.


  6. John K. says: How do you know if you are a liberal. When the words "Merry Christmas" scares you more than "Stick 'em up and give me your money." Only a left wing kook gets scared by the message of Christmas.

  7. Absolutely ROFLMAO!! Well done, good and faithful. . . .

    Gonna steal 'em for my blog (unless you *really* object. (Iffin you do, let me know, and I'll remove 'em.)

  8. Why do you dislike Bill O'reilly so much? Is it because he's a better host than any of the washed-up left-wing fanatics cnn and msnbc can come up with. Bill O'reilly is the best and I'm glad to be one of his viewers!!!

  9. Yeah, that's it, Mr. Monotheist. We hate him because he's so good. At lying and distorting.

    Of course you are happy to be one of his viewers. No surprise there.

  10. xranger I get...jk I will never get.

  11. Puddle:

    OK to use them as long as you link back (credit me).
