January 27, 2008

Jack Kelly Sunday

Not much fact-checking today, I'm afraid as Jack Kelly's column is on the Economic Stimulus Package. I'll just try to fill in some blanks.

Jack doesn't like the economic stimulus package:

When Democrats and Republicans agree quickly on something, it's usually either a meaningless gesture or a raid on the federal treasury. The economic stimulus package agreed to by President Bush and congressional leaders will be more beneficial to politicians than it will be to our economy.

The deal -- the principal element of which is to give income tax rebates to people who pay little or no federal income tax -- is driven by fear our economy may be going into recession. Since the definition of a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative growth, we're not in one yet, and neither the Congressional Budget Office nor the Federal Reserve thinks we'll go into one this year. But the economy is weakening, for two principal reasons.

Note his use of the phrase that starts with "principle element" here. More on that a little later.

Actually the folks that are the official definers of "recession" don't exactly share the same definition with our J-Kel. From the National Bureau of Economic Research:

Q: The financial press often states the definition of a recession as two consecutive quarters of decline in real GDP. How does that relate to the NBER's recession dating procedure?

A: Most of the recessions identified by our procedures do consist of two or more quarters of declining real GDP, but not all of them. Our procedure differs from the two-quarter rule in a number of ways. First, we consider the depth as well as the duration of the decline in economic activity. Recall that our definition includes the phrase, "a significant decline in economic activity." Second, we use a broader array of indicators than just real GDP. One reason for this is that the GDP data are subject to considerable revision. Third, we use monthly indicators to arrive at a monthly chronology.

But that's a minor point.

Here's another view of the package from someone else who doesn't like it, Paul Krugman:
House Democrats and the White House have reached an agreement on an economic stimulus plan. Unfortunately, the plan - which essentially consists of nothing but tax cuts and gives most of those tax cuts to people in fairly good financial shape - looks like a lemon.
And then:

Aside from business tax breaks - which are an unhappy story for another column - the plan gives each worker making less than $75,000 a $300 check, plus additional amounts to people who make enough to pay substantial sums in income tax. This ensures that the bulk of the money would go to people who are doing O.K. financially - which misses the whole point.

The goal of a stimulus plan should be to support overall spending, so as to avert or limit the depth of a recession. If the money the government lays out doesn't get spent - if it just gets added to people's bank accounts or used to pay off debts - the plan will have failed.

And sending checks to people in good financial shape does little or nothing to increase overall spending. People who have good incomes, good credit and secure employment make spending decisions based on their long-term earning power rather than the size of their latest paycheck. Give such people a few hundred extra dollars, and they'll just put it in the bank.

In fact, that appears to be what mainly happened to the tax rebates affluent Americans received during the last recession in 2001.

On the other hand, money delivered to people who aren't in good financial shape - who are short on cash and living check to check - does double duty: it alleviates hardship and also pumps up consumer spending.

That's why many of the stimulus proposals we were hearing just a few days ago focused in the first place on expanding programs that specifically help people who have fallen on hard times, especially unemployment insurance and food stamps. And these were the stimulus ideas that received the highest grades in a recent analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.

And here's what the CBO has said as recently as this past Thursday (1/24/08):
The state of the economy is particularly uncertain at the moment. The pace of economic growth slowed in 2007, and there are strong indications that it will slacken further in 2008. In CBO’s view, the ongoing problems in the housing and financial markets and the high price of oil will curb spending by households and businesses this year and trim the growth of GDP. Although recent data suggest that the probability of a recession in 2008 has increased, CBO does not expect the slowdown in economic growth to be large enough to register as a recession. [emphasis added.]
Though they say elsewhere:
Strong indications suggest that economic growth is slowing and will remain sluggish for much of 2008. Most professional forecasters are continuing to project very slow growth, as opposed to an outright recession, this year. The risk of recession is elevated, however, and some respected economists believe that the probability of a recession has now risen to 50 percent or greater. [emphasis added.]
The CBO continues:

Discretionary fiscal policy stimulus (that is, legislative action aimed at providing stimulus) may not be necessary to avoid an outright recession, if most current forecasts are correct. Nonetheless, policymakers may choose to proceed with a stimulus package to bolster a weak economy and as insurance against the elevated risk of a recession. Some economists advocating a stimulus also believe that a recession, if it occurs, could prove to be unexpectedly deep; a fiscal stimulus would help reduce the severity of a recession, should one occur.

Effective stimulus does not necessarily require addressing the source of economic weakness directly; instead, it requires strengthening aggregate demand.

And so what does the CBO have to say about that "lump sum rebate" that may or may not be necessary for a recession that they say may or may not occur?

Linking the size of the rebate to tax liability—such as returning a fixed proportion of taxes paid—substantially reduces the cost-effectiveness of the stimulus. It would place much of the government’s revenue loss in the hands of households likely to save much of the rebate. Fixing the rebate’s size or setting a relatively low maximum amount per household or person would concentrate more of the aggregate cut among lower-income households, who are more likely to be up against credit constraints and thus to spend any additional resources. Making the rebate refundable would further boost the cost-effectiveness of the stimulus.

To the extent that the rebate depends on incurring tax liability, the choice of tax base is significant as well. A rebate based on income tax liability would, for instance, reach fewer families likely to spend it than a rebate based on payroll tax liability. A large number of lower-income families incur no income tax, and many others pay more in payroll taxes than income taxes. As a result, their income tax liability alone may be insufficient to be eligible for the full rebate even though their payroll tax liability is.

Now take a look at what Jack said. He didn't like the idea of rebates being sent to people who pay "little or no federal income tax." No word, of course, on whether these folks pay payroll taxes.

And I think that's the point of Jack's spin. In the end, however, an economic stimulus package should be designed to stimulate the economy. Getting tax rebates (however defined) and/or unemployment benefits to people who will actually spend the cash seems to be the thing to do. Too bad politics got in the way.

I'll end this with Krugman's analysis:

There was also some talk among Democrats about providing temporary aid to state and local governments, whose finances are being pummeled by the weakening economy. Like help for the unemployed, this would have done double duty, averting hardship and heading off spending cuts that could worsen the downturn.

But the Bush administration has apparently succeeded in killing all of these ideas, in favor of a plan that mainly gives money to those least likely to spend it.

Why would the administration want to do this? It has nothing to do with economic efficacy: no economic theory or evidence I know of says that upper-middle-class families are more likely to spend rebate checks than the poor and unemployed. Instead, what seems to be happening is that the Bush administration refuses to sign on to anything that it can't call a "tax cut."

Behind that refusal, in turn, lies the administration's commitment to slashing tax rates on the affluent while blocking aid for families in trouble - a commitment that requires maintaining the pretense that government spending is always bad. And the result is a plan that not only fails to deliver help where it's most needed, but is likely to fail as an economic measure.

The words of Franklin Delano Roosevelt come to mind: "We have always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals; we know now that it is bad economics."

And the worst of it is that the Democrats, who should have been in a strong position - does this administration have any credibility left on economic policy? - appear to have caved in almost completely.

Yes, they extracted some concessions, increasing rebates for people with low income while reducing giveaways to the affluent. But basically they allowed themselves to be bullied into doing things the Bush administration's way.

And that could turn out to be a very bad thing.



  1. I always wonder why everything has to be nagative with you guys on the left.

    Think about it...

    In your mind, the economy is going to hell, "global warmining" is going to destroy each and everyone of us, there's two Americas like John Edwards says, and all hope is lost in Iraq even when things are looking up.

    You don't have to be so negative you know, there's plenty of good you can find in the world as well.

  2. We don't expect you right-wingers to understand it, C.H., but here's a rule of thumb:

    Lefties talk about things that are broken so we can try to fix 'em. Righties talk about things that are working so they can break 'em.

  3. Nice try Shitrock:

    Lefties talk about things that are broken and never try to fix 'em. Righties talk about things that are working so they can be inspired to make other successes.

    There fixed it for ya.
    No need to thank me I work for the good of the people and seek no compensation.

  4. Anon 8:25:

    That has to be the most inane thing I've ever read here.

    But let's just assume for the sake of the argument that you're correct.


    Until you supply some, your argument is more or less useless.

  5. Don't worry about Braden, Not-Me. He comes and goes around here. He's not as much fun as John K. and he's whiny as hell, but as you say, inanity is his TM.

  6. You need to look for the good in the world...because if you go looking for the bad things thats all you'll ever find.

    The fringe elements in this country (both right and left, but especially the left these days) don't care about fixing issues...they care about power.

    Do you think that the Clintons would prefer to see success in Iraq or find themsleves back in the White House at the hands of voters who are have been convinced that all hope is lost there?

    Do you think Harry Reid would prefer to see U.S. soldiers come home because of increasing stability in Iraq or because of a congressionally mandated timetable eneacted because the left side of congress has invested itself in defeat?

    This isn't coming from an ideological viewpoint, but from a moderate who's seeing reality for what it is.

  7. Conservatives -- who cower under beds at the mere mention of Islam, happily surrender civil liberties at the drop of an Arab head covering, figure no home is safe unless it contains two guns and a bazooka, believe that protecting society and preserving liberties means putting Tommy Chong in prison for selling a water pipe, claim that civil unions for gays would imperil the institution of marriage, assume that we are being overrun by immigrants, are sure that God will smite this country mightily if it dares refrain from mentioning him in the Pledge of Allegiance, generally think our country is going to hell in a handbasket consequent to 50 years of social progress, etc. -- think that liberals have a negative outlook?

    It must say so in the Bible, because it sure doesn't stand to reason . . . and we all know conservatives are suckers for just about any faith-based argument you could put out there these days.

    P.S. If by 'things are looking up in Iraq' you mean that a catastrophe is shading toward mere disaster, you might be on to something. Only until we are forced to reduce manpower despite a comprehensive lack of political reconciliation, of course, but I guess no straw is too small for Republicans to grasp at these days.

  8. many problems in that rant I feel I must correct...

    A) I am NOT a consrvative and I am definetely not a republican

    B) I have nothing but the utmost respect for the religion of Islam, and I have worked with the Muslim community here in San Francisco to educate people about how the faith is truly a peaceful religion.

    C) I want you to search any comment I have ever written in this blog or any post on my blog, www.unitedworldforpeace.blogspot.com , for anything that even suggests that I am opposed to civil unions or same-sex marriage.

    D) I also challenge you to find a comment/post written by me that attacks immigants.

    Do some research before you attack, would you...

  9. LOL! infinonymous got pwned!
    What a pompus piece of excrement LOL!!

  10. C.H.: It's not necessarily all about you. infinonymous didn't mention you, personally, at all in his "rant." Read before you attack, would you...

    Strangely enough, however, I agree with you about politcs being about power, not the welfare of Americans. Further, the Clintons are excellent examples, as are such righties as John McCain and Rudy Guiliani.

    Your questions about what Dems might prefer, however, are spurious and unproductive. I might just as easily ask whether McCain would prefer a stable government in Iraq or have another 2,000 soldiers to die so that he can be president.

    I know your fondness for labels, particularly bellicose labels such as referring to liberals like me as extremists, but your statement that you are a moderate not only raises a chuckle on its own, it also reminds me of the old joke:

    If you call a tail a leg, how many legs do most dogs have?

    Correct answer: Four. No matter what you call it, a tail is not a leg.

  11. John K. says: To paraphrase Peduto and most of the lefties. We should all be willing to endorse our rebate checks over to the City of Pittsburgh. LMAO Krugman has been telling us we are in a recession since 2001. He has no credibility.

  12. So, let's see. Progressives have been railing for years about global warming and suggesting ways to address it. But the right objects to every solution, even the most moderate.

    Progressives have been railing for years about problems with the health care system and have proposed solutions, only to have them brushed aside as "Hillary care" and "socialized medicine."

    Progressives have for years railed about our reliance on oil and suggested alternatives and pushed for more research dollars to find viable options. Instead we get Republicans pushing through tax rebates for oil companies.

    Progressives have for years been talking about the growing disparity in income between the richest and the poorest and its impact and suggested that we might want to take steps to remedy that, including an increased minimum wage. Instead we get Republican-backed tax cuts for the rich.

    Should I go on?

    The problem, anon 8:25/Braden, is that there are a lot of serious problems that progressives have been talking about for years, but they just get ignored or disregarded because it's the liberal fucking hippies who have brought them up, and they can't possibly be right, can they? [seems like the same folks were saying that going into Iraq was a mistake and that the planning was bad. hmmm]

    Engaging in happy talk may make YOU feel better, C.H., but I don't think it does much for those without health insurance, whose son or daughter got blown apart by an IED in Iraq, whose children get sickened by the local drinking water that's been polluted by the huge factory farm 20 miles up the road. And it sure as hell won't make my children's lives any less difficult than it otherwise might have to be when they reach adulthood and will have to deal with the mess that the happy-talkers were too cowardly to deal with.

    Happy talk is great for happy hour or dinner parties, but the adults have a responsibility to identify the things that are fucked up and try to remedy them.
