February 7, 2008

Local Stuff

1. For the record, we don't think that Jon Delano is "nuts" either.

2. While Bram and The Burgher link to The Trib's reporting on Lil Mayor Luke's latest paronoid power play management stylings, to give credit where credit is due, Early Returns had it first.

3. And speaking of the P-G, they have a poll where you can express your frustrations opinions on the Mon-Fayette Expressway (link to the poll at Progress Pittsburgh here) and The Angry Drunk Bureaucrat weighs in on the subject here.

4. Did we mention Chad's (Teacher. Wordsmith. Madman.) excellent opinion piece in the P-G or Anthony and Ms. Mon's hysterical collaborative video? No? Well, now we have.

5. Finally, can we note the irony of the petition to make the boyhood home of Pittsburgh native son August Wilson into a designated historic structure languishing in City Council's Planning, Zoning and Land Use Committee (falling through the cracks or sat on depending on who you talk to or who won't talk) at the same time that The Kennedy Center is celebrating his work with their "August Wilson's 20th Century" festival (the first time all ten plays in the Pittsburgh cycle are being performed together) and at the same time that Lil Mayor Luke was lauding Pittsburgh as "the hometown of Gene Kelly, Andy Warhol and August Wilson"? I guess we just did. (Pittsburgh City Council will hold a public hearing on the designation on Feb. 18, at 1 p.m.)



  1. In a single day, the P-G had 3 headline articles that were amazing.
    1) the August Wilson house designation being ignored by Payne
    2) Tawanda being sentenced
    3) Finally, LaGrotta being sentenced.

    2 officials committing crimes and one doing god knows what instead of her job.

  2. 2) Tawanda being sentenced
    3) Finally, LaGrotta being sentenced.

    Nice of the PG to "forget" to mention the party of the sentenced.
    Name That Party: Pittsburgh

    This will anger you progressives.

    Look who signed the Congressional Amicus Brief in Favor of Heller
    Sen. Bob Casey
    Sen. Arlen Specter
    Rep. Jason Altmire (PA-4)

    I noticed that my former idiot rep Mike Doyle did not sign it.

  3. Thanks for the mention, Maria.

    Anthony did a great job on that video -- he deserves most of the credit. I cried from laughing so hard the first time I watched it.

    That's a great look for Dan Onorato. And considering he's a wanted man these days, he may want to consider a "Sally" wig as part of an incognito get-up ...
