February 19, 2008

McCain and Dubya

From Talkingpointsmemo.

What a maverick! Such straight talk!

Given that al-Qaeda wasn't even in Iraq before dubya's invasion, it's hard to see how al-Qaeda would have succeeded there if the war hadn't started.

So nearly 4,000 American troops and countless Iraqis dead, thousands more maimed, our economy faltering, our standing in the international community a shambles, an illegal war based on lies and deceptions - that's all good for John McCain.

But it is nice to see Senator McCain feeding his man-crush on dubya, though he's not getting too too close.

From the NYTimes:
Senator John McCain’s campaign advisers will ask the White House to deploy President Bush for major Republican fund-raising, but they do not want the president to appear too often at his side, top aides to Mr. McCain said Sunday.
How's that for sending mixed signals??


  1. John K. says: Yah McCain has such a man crush on Bush that he voted for his tax cuts. LOL Hey any left wing kook know who Bin Laden is endorsing this time around? Last time he endorsed Kerry. And as I count delegate votes, how many delegates does Bin Laden (D-Pakistan) have. Indonesia voted for Obama, so I was just curious about where the al queda people stood. LMAO I am the man and unlike the left wingers Stewert and Colbert I can write my own material.

  2. Who would have thought that Osama bin Laden would outlast the U.S. administration on whose watch bin Laden attacked our country?

    Bush Jr. is bin Laden's boy. He is bin Laden's best recruiter, he is an incompetent military commander, and he is not up to the task of bringing lin Laden to justice.

    If bin Laden had a vote it would be for a couple more terms of Bush Jr.

    Other than that, Bush Jr. is doing a heck of a job, just like his boy Brownie.

  3. Who would have thought that Osama bin Laden would outlast the U.S. administration on whose watch bin Laden attacked our country?

    This prediction could go wrong two different ways.

  4. John K. says: Bin laden outlasted the Bush admin. So this presupposes that Bush is not now the President or, more likely, that left wing kooks live in fantasy worlds. Hello, Bush is still the President. Bin Laden has not outlasted anyone. By the way, no answer to the question about how many delegates the left has pledged to Bin laden. Who do you left wingers think you are Chelsea Clitnon and you can just campaign and not answer questions. LOL LOL I crack myself up sometimes.

  5. Infinonymous...do you really believe that someone like Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton has what it takes to get Bin Laden? Advisers to those two justrecently paid a visit to Syria, a country that had been hosting Imad Mughniyeh, one of the most savage terrorists of all time. They are actually under the impression that the U.S. and Syria have common goals. Unless Obama and Clinton have a vision of destroying Israel and advancing a murderous ideology across the Middle East, I'm afraid they are greatly mistaken.

  6. Infinonymous...do you really believe that someone like Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton has what it takes to get Bin Laden?

    Well after 7 years, Bush has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that he doesn't. And for all the fluffing John McCain gets from the so-called "liberal" media about being a "straight-shooting maverick", a McCain presidency would be four more years of Bushism in the Middle East.

  7. John K. says; No the McCain Presidency will not be four more years of more Bush policy in the mid-east. It will be better. Remember McCain's rendition of "Bomb, bomb, bomb...bomb Iran" And the troops love this guy. But I fully expect the left wingers in this blog to be voting McCain. After all, you endorsed him in previous posts when he bashed Bush.

  8. Bush defenders' taunts of "do you think your guy could do any better" remind me of the right-wingers' defense of our anti-Castro policies.

    A reporter asked someone (might have been Ron Paul?) this morning whether there was any evidence that lifting the embargo against Cuba would work any better than our current policies.

    The response: 'Well, our current policies have been in place for nearly 50 years. At some point it most people recognize that it becomes hard to defend that record.'

    More than 80 percent of Americans support lifting that embargo, by the way.

    So, by all means, keep defending the decision to invade Iraq, the anti-Cuba hysteria, the licking of Saudi (and Israeli) boots, Bush's record on bin Laden, the demonization of Iran, and other essentials of right-wing foreign policy . . . while the majority of your countrymen devote their attention to the task of cleaning up the mess you have made.
