February 5, 2008


From the P-G:

Pittsburgh Councilman Ricky Burgess introduced legislation today to create a trust fund to hold the $43,100 in restitution expected from former Councilwoman Twanda Carlisle in relation to her sentencing yesterday on corruption charges, and to disburse it to efforts to improve public safety in the city's northeast corner.


Common Pleas Judge John A. Zottola ordered the money to be spent to help Council District 9, formerly represented by Ms. Carlisle, now by Mr. Burgess.
At her sentencing, Carlisle said she was elected to change the fortunes of Council District 9 in the city's northeast, and tried to do right.

Looks like she'll actually have to now.

1 comment:

  1. John K. says: Come on here,get real. The money will be spent to buy votes and perhaps some graft. After all you are Democrats.
