February 14, 2008

Tonight's Special Comment

UPDATE: Crooks and Liars has a transcript. The posting is titled "President Bush is a Liar and a Fascist."

So there.


  1. What a great day to be a Republican! Two senior Bushies charged with contempt. The apparent nominee for president endorses terror. And the leader of the party effectively vetoes a bill that HE says would have guaranteed safety for Americans because it wouldn't provide immunity for lawbreakers.

    You guys must be so proud.

  2. I'm glad I'm not a republican.

    It's even worse to be a terrorist though, seeing as one of their most ruthless leaders is dead now. I am talking of course about Imad Mughniyeh, arguably the most savage terrorist of all time and coordinator between Iran and Hezbollah.

    Yep, the world is definetely a better place without that madman.

  3. Since this absolute piece of scum otherwise known as Imad Mughniyeh was responsible for so many car bombings, it was poetic justice that he was killed by a car bomb.

  4. John K says: Yah Yah Yah, same old Olbermouth stuff. Its getting old already. Hey did you see your Rep. Murtha is going to make sure funding is in place for the rest of the year for both Iraq and Afghanistan. So regardless of what Olbermouth says, I win again!

  5. There go the Fringies again, crowing happily about death and war. Such strange, sick, warped world they live in.

  6. John K. says: Yepper, Rep. Murtha is funding that war. Hey how about the Democrats. Trying to change the rules of an election again. They want, and this is funny, the delegates seated from MI and FL, even though they orginally agreed to ignore them. Looks like Frau Hillary is going down in flames and just like Hitler is taking everyone with her. Ahhh you lefties.

  7. Good one, John. Totally incoherent.

  8. John K. says: Come on shitrock, you read it right. Frau Hillary is going down in flames and taking her brown shirts with her. Hey, how about Rendell telling everyone that PA is full of racists and we may not vote for a minority. LOL LOL LMAO. Like any of you lefties in here, nor Rendell, voted for Swann. It must be great to be a Democrat and know you represent the party that holds minorities in bondage.

  9. OK, this is a little better. In this one I understood the part about Hillary going down in flames. I hope you are correct about that, and I will do my part to make it happen.

    As for Rendell, I'm not nuts about him, either, but you must have gotten your take from Rush again. You have to stop doing that -- he lies to you, and when you repeat what he says, it makes you look stupid. Still amusing, mind you, but in a really stupid way.

    As for any of us lefties voting for Swann -- are you kidding? We didn't vote for Bill O'Reilly either.

    Once again, I win. This is just too easy. Fun, but too easy.

  10. From Tony Norman, Pittsburgh Post Gazette:

    "You've got conservative whites here, and I think there are some whites who are probably not ready to vote for an African-American candidate," he (Rendell) said bluntly.


  11. Fascist? “You keep using that word…”
    How admirably brave of you! You must have really felt like you would be dragged off stage and “disappeared” after speaking “truth to power” like that!

    After all - someone says something about the Clintons that they don’t like - for instance, Elizabeth Edwards says she is more joyful than Hillary Clinton, or Chris Matthews suggests Mrs. Clinton has benefited from her husband’s infidelities- and they are swiftly made to see the error of their ways, and to apologize and grovel.

    And if someone makes a movie the Clintons don’t like, why, they try to get the film shelved unseen.

    You and your co-workers, on the other hand, routinely spit out words like “idiot,” “pimp,” “murderer,” “chimp,” “terrorist” and “fascist” toward the guy who has kept you safe for 7 years, knowing full well that the bastard Bush and has never in any way threatened your (or your colleagues) freedom of speech or livelihood, and has never demanded from you the apologies you so regularly offer to others. You say what you want without fear of reprisal from this president. There may be angry viewers or sponsors who demand apologies, but not President Bush. And yet he’s the one you like to call a “fascist.”

  12. You said that very well, Mein Heir.

  13. John K. says: To Tony Norman, who writes some of the most bigoted columns in this area, yah like liberal whites voted for Swann. Get real. Swann got all his votes from conservative whites. You lefties are one bigoted bunch. And you hide it by trying to blame it on conservatives. Hellllloooo Norman, we put Thomas on the bench and Powell and Rice in State. Clinton did what in that regard? Not hard to see thru your racism. To which I also add, and you, Tony, voted for Swann I suppose. LMAO I rest my case. LOL LOL LOL

  14. John: So if you don't vote for Obama, that will make you a bigot? Got it. The Dems thank you for your support.
