March 5, 2008

4 more years? I don't think so!

Looks like Huckabee's huckamath and huckamiracles have failed him. The Republicans have chosen this guy for their nominee:



  1. John K. says: What! A month ago you were telling me to support McCain. Now you disrespect him. Shame. McCain is going to be the next President no matter how many votes the left tries to steal.

  2. John K:

    You really need to go back on your meds. WHEN DID THIS BLOG EVER TELL YOU TO SUPPORT MCCAIN?



  3. Hey, Not Me, weren't you paying attention? All of us lefties on this blog endorsed McCain by speaking into the trunk of the orange-with-green-polkadots elephant from which John gets his talking points. We did it right after Howdy Doody won the election in Zanadu.

    Try to keep up!

  4. Isn't there some way to IP block or otherwise make JK move on? This crap is tiresome and counterproductive. I'm not afraid of honest debate, but this is just stupid, juvenile name-calling.

    Piltdown Man

  5. Pilt, you need to understand that John is a pre-adolescent in need of attention. Since he can't come by it legitimately, he does it by pulling out his pecker and waving it at us while he pees. He doesn't notice that most of it blows back in his face.

    We should enjoy his antics and appreciate him for being a fairly accurate gauge of the intelligence and grace of the team he represents.

    Think of him as our very own unintentionally funny, slightly malicious, somewhat slower version of Curly Howard.

  6. Maria! Where did you get that hug picture? I'd love to photoshop Melissa without-a-Hart's head in there.

    Also, can we get those bumper stickers printed up? (did you create that logo?) - Janis

  7. John K. says; This blog supported McCain a month ago when he was going against Romney and Huckabee and this blog was terrified of the religious right. At that time I reminded everyone that about this time you would turn on McCain. As usual I was right! Now this blog has turned against McCain. How can that be? He was a Naval Officer and when Kerry ran that was all that was needed to secure my vote, or so you said. Shame on you liberals. LMAO

  8. John K. says: See my pee-pee! See my pee-pee! Look at my pee-pee! LMAO LOL

  9. Ahhhh! I just figured out what John is talking about. A couple of weeks ago Major Andre logged in and endorsed McCain without a trial.
