March 11, 2008

Call in to David on the radio now

Just a reminder that you can call in and talk to David on the radio now at:

412-333-1360, WPTT AM NewsTalk 1360


  1. If I call in would Dave just hang up on me?
    I like how Maria said that the media is biased against Democrats.
    How does she explain this?
    More Punditry Peeves

    As a sidebar to an article at ABC news about Elliot Spitzer, they've helpfully put together this slideshow of 13 politicians involved in famous sex scandals.(Collect them all!) Anyway, it's rather interesting that of the 7 Republicans on the list, all of them save one are identified by ABC as Republicans. Of the six Democrats on the list, only one is identified by party affiliation.

    Just like the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette forgetting to mention the party of Twanda Carlisle and Frank LaGrotta.

  2. I must assume you're stupid, because the P-G does in fact, mention BOTH Carlisle's and LaGrotta's party. Please link to a P-G story where LaGrotta and Carlisle's party is not mentioned in connection to their scandals.

    Now, please contrast with Faux news identifiying repub's caught up in scandal as Democrats.

  3. You are correct, the P-G just hid Carlisle's and LaGrotta's party at the end of the stories.

    You said "Faux news identifiying repub's caught up in scandal as Democrats."
    I only know Fox News mistakenly did that with Mark Foley.
    They also corrected that mistake.
    Since you wrote repub's and Democrats, you can mention the other?

  4. You really ought to quit while you're behinf. Fox ALSO identifed Arlen Specter as a Democrat.

    John McCain was also identified as a Democrat.

    Also, Fox REPEATEDLY identified Foley as a Democrat, not just "once and then corrected."

    Also, how do you "hide" something that is clearly printed? YOU claimed the P-G failed to mention Carlisle's and LaGrotta's affiliation when they clearly did print it.

    So therefore, I reiterate. You must be stupid. Thanks for playing!

  5. You said
    repub's caught up in scandal
    What scandals were the RINOs Arlen Specter and John McCain caught in when identified as Democrats?

    BTW there is a difference in writing.
    "Republican scumbag politician was caught today."
    "Scumbag politician was caught today."
    ... 12 paragraphs later continued on page A16
    "Scumbag politician is a Democrat."
