March 6, 2008

More On McCain and Hagee

From Talking Points Memo:
Barack Obama got seriously tripped up for apparently not sufficiently denouncing an 'endorsement' he didn't solicit from someone he has no connection with. John McCain solicited the endorsement of a complete nut who's got this long history of slurs against the Catholic Church and a lot else. McCain's sticking with Hagee and he's getting a complete pass.
Josh Marshall pointed to the second example on the clip (it's about 2:25 in):
US policy explicitly supports a two-state solution in Israel-Palestine. Hagee says that because is supporting that policy God is going to punish America by sending Muslim terrorists to America create a bloodbath in our streets.

Then there's the whole "Katrina is punishment for New Orleans' sin" thing.

Hagee: All hurricanes are acts of God because God controls the heavens. I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God. And they are, uh, were recipients of the judgement of God for that. The newspapers carried the story in our local area that was not carried nationally that there was to be a homosexual parade there on the Monday that the, uh, Katrina came. And the, uh, promise of that parade was that it was going to reach a level of sexuality never demonstrated before in any of the other gay pride, uh, parades. I believe that the judgement of God is a very real thing. And I believe that the Hurricane Katrina was in fact the judgement of God against the City of New Orleans.

Host Terry Gross: You think that the whole city was punished because of things like the forthcoming gay pride parade?

Hagee: This is true. All of the city was punished because of the sin that happened there in that city.

Luckily we know where Senator John McCain was when God was punishing New Orleans for its sins:

He was having cake with his new BFF, Dubya.

Happy Birthday, John McCain!


  1. I wonder what John McCain was being punished for when God made the NVA shoot him out of the heavens......

    OMG! John McCain must be gay!

  2. John K. says: I thought shitrock supports the troops? That last comment does not indicate any support.

  3. John K. says: See my pee-pee! See my pee-pee! Look at my pee-pee! LMAO LOL

  4. John K. says: We do need to be concerned about religious movements injecting themselves into politics. Obama needs to stop with the religious metaphors and refrain from politicing in church. John McCain is the Man! After all, he is a Vietnam veteran and Navy Officer. Same as Kerry. LMAO LOL LOL LOL I got you left wingers again.

  5. John K. says: See my pee-pee! See my pee-pee! Look at my pee-pee! LMAO LOL

  6. John K. says: I'm going to have to vote for McCain. Anyone who can have a chaw of tobacco in his mouth that long and never spit gets my vote. Does anyone know was Maz his idol? I'm wondering is that why they call him the straight shooter, but then again he never spits. He must be a swallower. Just like me. LOL LOL I hope Larry Craig will be his running mate. LOL LOL Wonder how the news media will get all those cameras in a bathroom stall though.
