March 1, 2008

Phonebanking for Hillary

Saturdays - Tuesdays, 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM

116 Blvd of Allies
Pittsburgh, PA 15222

For more info, contact Stephanie Rex @


  1. Won't make it to PA.

  2. Post the info for Obama, and join the movement.

  3. "When you're a Jet,
    You're a Jet all the way"

  4. John K. says; Good idea. But are there enough Chinese dishwashers and street cart vendors to make a calling list. And what about the Chinese language. Do they give basic lessons in how to ask for a contribution in Chinese?

  5. I have posted info for Obama. See earlier posts. I post campaign info that folks send me.

    You got some info?

    Send it my way.

  6. Want to help us canvas or phone bank for Obama? We had close to 400 volunteers packed into the new East Liberty field yesterday. Email your phone #/email and address if you would like to "join the movement."

  7. This message is not designed to slight Sen. Clinton, who is entitled to decide whether and how to campaign.

    This message is placed here because this is the most recent national campaign thread.

    Sen. Obama will make a large-scale appearance in Pittsburgh relatively soon, most likely the final weekend of March, perhaps that Friday evening. Pitt's Petersen Center is the probable location. Experience in other cities indicates that tickets should be obtained sooner rather than later -- a football stadium would be a more suitable venue, but the weather forces the campaign to choose an indoor venue.

    Work for the Democratic candidate of your choice until the nomination has been secured, then work hard for the Democratic nominee. Register your friends, push them to vote, send in a few bucks, do some campaign work. Nothing wrong with going to hear another candidate speak, either.

  8. "Work for the Democratic candidate of your choice until the nomination has been secured, then work hard for the Democratic nominee. Register your friends, push them to vote, send in a few bucks, do some campaign work. Nothing wrong with going to hear another candidate speak, either."

    Amen to that!

  9. An Obama event at Petersen will probably happen in April rather than March.

  10. The rumor I heard is that he's planning on coming to the St. Patrick's Day parade here in the 'Burgh. Take the scuttlebutt for what it's worth but I don't see that as an unreasonable possibility.

    - Shawn

  11. Join the OBAMA movement now!

  12. Pitt News reported the possible campaign stop as a hoax. However, should the primary continue into PA, I would expect to see Obama make a campaign stop here.

  13. Sen. Obama will be at the Petersen soon enough.

    Republicans congratulated Karl Rove for a "sellout" crowd of 500 (tickets were without charge, except to the Pitt students whose activities fees were hijacked) at Pitt last night.

    I suspect Sen. Obama will be more popular when he hits campus.

    Join a campaign. If you support Sen. Obama, this is a great time -- the local campaign is beginning to take form, but there is still plenty of opportunity to find a spot from which to make a meaningful contribution. If you support Sen. Clinton, she needs you now (and it will be easy to switch to the Obama campaign if the nomination is decided in Texas and Ohio).

    If you support Sen. McCain, I share your sadness that fate has dealt a good man some very bad timing. The karma would be tragic were it not for those pictures of him hugging G.W. Bush . . . and, I suppose, his support of continued pointless misery in Iraq.
