April 1, 2008



  1. John K. says: Bushus Maximus. Conquerer of Afghanistan and Iraq, scourge of the liberals. And remember you left wingers are still trying to hunt down Karl Rove for the sole crime of having defeated Democrats in two presidential elections. I win!

  2. I guess our resident troll can't read a calendar.


  3. John K. says: Look at me! I have a great weenie! See? Lookie! Lookie!

  4. John K. says: I have an announcement to make. Operation Cmdr in Chief has ordered us to vote Hillary Clinton on Apr 22nd. So I have to switch my vote from Hussein Obama to Frau Hillary. By the way lefties, 46,0000 PA Republicans switched to Democrat to sow discontent within the Democratic party on Apr 22nd. I Rule! Bushus Maximus is the Man. Good picture of him. To bad it is April 1st and the King of fools posted it. LOL LOL LOL LOL LMAO Oh man I am good.

  5. Good picture? I see the telling features -- vapid stare and weak smile -- of a long-time drunk.

    Oh, wait -- you mean good as in "captures the subject."

    In that case, it is a good picture.

  6. Apparently our resident troll can't figure out gender either:

    "...the King of fools posted it."

  7. No wonder you're voting for Hillary :).

  8. John K. says: Limbaugh, the CIC of OP Chaos has decided to have us vote for Hillary Clinton. She will now take this State by a huge margin. Oh yah I can't wait till Denver. LOL

  9. John, I wonder whether you'll get to vote before or after Rush faces charges of abetting election falsification in Ohio...yes, what he did is illegal there, and should be here, too.

  10. John K. says: If Rush goes to prison I will gladly go with him. I will grab my pee pee, grab Rush's pee pee and wave them both around. LOL LOL

  11. Since when is it a crime for people to vote for whoever they damn well please?

  12. Voting is not a crime.

    False swearing is.

    Particularly when the fraud involves voting.

    False swearing is not merely a crime; it also is morally deficient.

    I would not prosecute the low-lifes who defrauded our American system, but they deserve every decent American's contempt.
