April 25, 2008

The Trib and the P-G

The Trib's editorial board (oh, bless their hearts) chimed in today, not on the election results but on the P-G's reaction to those election results. Note: they're being snarky by calling the P-G the "Toledo, Ohio Block Bugler." The P-G is owned by the Block Family and that family also owns the Toledo Blade. Hence the snark. Here's what they have to say:
An amusement: The Toledo, Ohio, Block Bugler endorsed Barack Obama for the Democrats' presidential nomination. Outside of Philadelphia, Sen. Obama was trounced by Sen. Hillary Clinton in Tuesday's Pennsylvania Primary. A day late and a brain short in commenting on the results on Thursday, The Bugler turned its sour grapes of wrath on the electorate. "(V)oters were not inclined to think their votes through," it said, then chided Pennsylvania as an "old commonwealth" with "older voters" voting the "old way." There's nothing quite as amusing as a gaggle of self-styled "progressives," their entreaties rejected, throwing a hissy fit.
Here's the P-G's editorial they're chiding. It says alot more than what the Trib describes. For instance:
The Democratic nomination has come to resemble Iraq. A war that seemed to be over has flared up anew with a startling viciousness. At the end of the Pennsylvania campaign, both sides were trading blows as if their opponent were a Republican, but Mrs. Clinton stooped lower, even genuflecting to Karl Rove's politics of fear with an ad that summoned the bogeyman, Osama bin Laden, to make her case.

If Mrs. Clinton somehow manages to capture the nomination, she will seem less the bold fighter than someone who has pushed her all-consuming ambition beyond the best interests of her party. In her negativity, she will have reminded Americans across the country of the seamier side of the Clinton years.

Worst of all, she will have rebuffed the grass-roots army that is Mr. Obama's fresh and vital contribution to the campaign -- young people, independents, former Republicans, the great hope of a Democratic Party revival.

And finally:
No, the real winner in Pennsylvania was not Hillary Clinton but John McCain, waiting patiently in the wings to pick up the shattered pieces of the Democratic idols. He of all people has to love that the Democratic nominating process has turned into its own Iraq.
In that light, it's interesting that a Wall Street Journal columnist, Daniel Henninger, calls it for Senator Obama. Go read the column - Henninger's hardly a progressive, self-styled or otherwise.


  1. i think that we should all be slightly more than a little suspicious at this apparent "new" partnership between scaife and clinton. has she forgotten about his personally financed "vast right-wing conspiracy"? her memory really must be fuzzy, and not limited to sniper fire.


  2. It's more along the lines of her doing anything and everything to stave off her being denied a nominiation - and presidency - that she believed was hers for the taking.

    - Shawn

  3. This country has been extremely fortunate to not have had pathetic egomaniacs like the Clintons in the highest office since its founding. Since John Adams, every President walked away and said, "I did my best."

    Until H.W. and Bill thought they could enhance their reputations by getting relatives elected. This kind of crap is extraordinarily dangerous to democracy. And if it means voting for a Republican to stop it, I'll vote for a Republican--at this point, I actually think Hillary Clinton and her Osama ads are even more Republican than McCain. Once upon a time, somebody running an attack ad against an anti-war candidate featuring Osama bin Laden would've outraged Maria. It's a shame to see so many people's credibility shredded on the quixotic entitlement of the Clinton campaign.

  4. This country has been extremely fortunate to not have had pathetic egomaniacs like the Clintons in the highest office since its founding. Since John Adams, every President walked away and said, "I did my best."

    Until H.W. and Bill thought they could enhance their reputations by getting relatives elected.

    Ummmm, does the name John Quincy Adams ring a bell?

  5. The great John Quincy Adams does not deserve to be included in the group of clowns mentioned by BOHAP.
