May 9, 2008

State of the Nation

Not even phoning it in


  1. makes me want to hide under the covers til next jan.

  2. John K. says: You should. Most liberals usually do. Don't worry, conservatives are adult enough to handle the bad guys. We kicked Saddam out of power and have al queda on the run.

  3. I hope a few of you will follow your usual policy and respond to John's glossolalia. Your responses are what keep him coming back, and without him and the other hate-filled trolls like C.H., this blog would be absolutely no fun any more.

  4. I see nothing that John K. has said that is "hate-filled".
    Mr. Shitrock I would like to disabuse you of the notion that opposing opinions are to be derided as hate-filled. Or maybe you do not possess the tools to properly communicate. Either way you need to step away and re-evaluate your perspective.

  5. Thanks for your input and your advice, C.H. Your opinion of what I need is very valuable to me, as would be a day-old sheet of used toilet paper.

    ("Anonymous" would be, what?, your fourth or fifth screen name on this blog?)

    If you don't see John's posts as being content-free except for hate -- much like your own, except more effectively written than yours -- I have some advice for you: Step away and re-evaluate your spectacles.

  6. This weeks 30 Rock television show had a brilliant send up of the asshole's misadministration. Alec Baldwin and Matthew Broderick are hysterical and the script captures the sense I have of the clown posse in the White House which started out as a bunch of faux tough guys and has degenerated into a bunch of monkeys trying to figure out how to escape their cage before they are put to sleep for carrying a very bad infectious disease.

  7. At 1:47 PM, Anonymous said...
    John K. says: You should. Most liberals usually do. Don't worry, conservatives are adult enough to handle the bad guys. We kicked Saddam out of power and have al queda on the run.

    Ha Ha ha ha ha....ah good laugh. "conservatives are adult enough" ha ha ha... oh my side hurts!

    "al queda on the run" do you mean "on the run to the corner store where they are picking up more recruits?" cause that isn't really funny.

    ps. thanks conservatives!

  8. Shitrock,

    I enjoy rebuking your misguided claims and talking points as much as anyone, but that comment above, not me.

    Apparently, I am not the only one who disagrees with what you have to say.

  9. where's everybody going? I just went over to women bloggers and viewed the beautiful Omama video "yes we can" posted there. Some moving sound there, but reality sets in and idealism flew usual. Good day for a nice dream.

  10. John K. says: You should. Most liberals usually do. Don't worry, conservatives are adult enough to handle the bad guys. We kicked Saddam out of power and have al queda on the run.

    Hey, my cousin has a bar mitzvah next month and all the good comedians are taken, are you available on short notice???

  11. John K. says: In the minds of a left wing liberal, al queda cannot be on the run because then a Republican would get credit for the success. But it is telling how many left wing kooks rushed to the defense of Al Queda. I keep telling you, we in America know whose side you are on.

  12. mccain doesn't even know what al queda is versus sunni or shia or taliban or bugs and the looney toons!

    so you go right ahead and protect me, just protect me from ANOTHER republican blood, bigotry, greed and stupidity fest first.we've had 2 terms of THAT already.

  13. You know, John K., you're right.

    As a liberal, I don't want to protect my friends and family - those bastards are on their own!

    Only Republicans can save us!

    And at last it occurred to me how brillian the Republican strategy has been.

    Think about it. By taking the focus off Afghanistan, we've allowed the Taliban to regroup to the point that just recently they were bold enough attempt an assassination of Karzai during a formal state ceremony. And with our staunch ally in Pakistan having taken a "hands-off" approach under Musharaff with regards to the country's northern regions, we've give Al Qaeda and its leadership a virtually assailable base of operations.

    This may appear to be an enormous blunder, but you'd be missing the point - we've just "blanked" the Taliban.

    We're snubbing them big time and you can just tell it's getting to them. There's nothing a terrorist hates more than being blown off.

    And Iraq...yes, it was a good idea.

    First, look at what we've gained - $126/barrel. That friggin' rocks.

    What's even better is that our oil companies are still posting record profits, so it's only a matter of time before that wealth trickles down to the rest of us!

    Second, it's a war, man! Who doesn't love war? Especially when you can sit at home on your big fat American ass and support it from the other side of a computer screen. That way, you can really enjoy the war and not have to deal with the consequences and realities of war.

    And if there's one thing I've learned more than any other, John K., it's that reality is a real buzzkill when it comes to conservatism.

  14. you go guy, thanks jaywilli, that's telling him. I doubt he'll get it though.

  15. John K. says: Yah all that lying, Hillary gets hit by sniper fire, and bigotry, Barak the magic negro from the LA Times, and greed, Democrats and Obama outraising Republicans by 3 -1. LOL LOL LMAO We kept Hillary Clinton to expose exactly what the Democrat party is. And it is so telling. You folks wear the bigotry label well. LOL
