June 4, 2008

Last Night's Speeches

First the trainwreck. The good folks over at the National Review didn't seem to like it very much, bless their hearts. Here's Mark Levin:
Not to offend those who might be offended, but this speech is a mash and tough to digest. You have to get through the self-congratulatory praise of independence and commander-in-chief pose from the Senate, then you have to try to follow the inconsistency of some of his big-government ideas vs. his anti-big-government rhetoric, and his inconsistency even on his supposed strength — the surge in Iraq vs. closing GITMO and conferring additional rights on the detainees. I am also put off by some of the anti-Bush stuff. Distancing himself from Bush is one thing, but he almost exclusively (as best I can tell) criticizes him, giving Bush little credit (tax cuts, Supreme Court appointments and yes, the surge, which Bush ordered not McCain).
And Jonah Goldberg:
Substance aside, Obama crushed McCain in all other ways that matter. Aesthetically, politically, rhetorically etc, it boiled down to Godzilla versus Bambi. And, amazingly enough, McCain was Bambi.
And Amy Holmes:

McCain's speech was creaky, ungracious, and unnecessary. I never understand why politicians don't take the opportunity, when so easily presented, to simply be gracious and hold their fire. Watching McCain, I couldn't help but think of the astonishing contrast Barack's triumphant speech to a massive and adoring crowd will be. It was not a comparison McCain should have invited.

It would have been more statesmanlike — precisely the profile McCain is attempting to craft — to acknowledge this historic moment in American politics. A major party is on the cusp of selecting an African American to be their nominee for President of the United States. It's a tribute to America that we've come this far. It would have been magnanimous to leave it at that, and wait until tomorrow to declare with enthusiasm and relish, "It's on!"

Watch it (if you can) and decide for yourself:

Next there's Senator Clinton's speech:

The text can be found here. Johnny Mac had this to say about her speech:
That was, quite simply, the rudest most ungracious exit speech that wasn't an exit speech in modern political history.
Go read the rest of it. No punches are pulled, no faces are saved, no ambiguity about what McIntire's thinking.

And finally, Senator Obama's speech:

The text can be found here.


  1. Hillary has about 24 hours to save herself from complete, utter. disgrace.

    More evidence that the Clintons are their own worst enemies...

  2. Has Maria conceded yet? Or is she now, after failing to get the hard working white folk vote to rise up and/or some lone assassin to do their duty, pushing for Hillary as the VP? Those are the latest crazy time talking points to come out of the campaign.

    Philip Shropshire

    PS: For the record, I sez no to Hillary as VP. Had she run a gracious upbeat final campaign she would have been a good choice but her judgment has been, quite simply, unfathomable. Good of the party? If she had the good of the party in mind she would have dropped out in March...

  3. Oh Philip, I'm sure you can wile away your time waiting for that damn bitch Clinton to concede by publishing more porn. How dare she make you wait! You should probably go back to your Red Light District. Those women there are so much more willing and compliant. They ask nothing of you and have the added benefit of not being able to talk back -- or talk at all. But if that ain't doing it for you, you can always join in the "why doesn't someone just kill that bitch Hillary" fantasy of the guys over at CNN and MSNBC, I mean if you really want to get into assasination talk and all.

  4. Philip,

    Oh, I forgot to add:


  5. Mr Allegheny County says:
    Stay classy Maria, the whine that your sour grapes has produced is apparently unpalatable. I suggest that you consider a new hobby or Vicodin.

  6. Philip & Mr. Allegheny County,

    I as an Obama supporter have been myself harsh with Maria in the past. But I must chime in--if she be so kind as to now allow me to be near her side:


    P.S. Philip. Your assasine comment is doubly worse than any way Senator Clinton's own verbal stumble could be construed.

    It's onto McCain and having Democrats controlling all three branches handily now.

  7. Maria: Ok, so that's a no on the concession? And did you have to insult the compliant splayed and often helpless woman I post over at the Red Light District? Have you, sniff (authentic Hillary Clinton tears mind you) no decency ma'am?

    Two: Here's a side bet: they'll be more women in the Obama cabinet than black men. Those are the "fruits" of affirmative action.

  8. I guess this is where Philip went when he got tired of being a troll on my blog. ;)
