July 24, 2008

A Tale of Two Photos




  1. John K: You put a picture of Gen. Petreaus. The guy you called Gen. Betrayus. The guy Hussein Obama refused to talk to when he came to testify in DC. The guy Hussein Obama called a liar one year ago. LOL LOL LOL LMAO You loons have gone off your rocker.

  2. John K: I told you left wing kooks. You had no problem with the war in Iraq. You just wanted a Democrat to take credit for it. Last year you were calling me a coward for defending Gen Petreaus and saying he was right. LOL LOL LOL And now you run a picture of him with Hussein Obama. LMAO LMAO Oh man, I hope Obama gets elected. This will be so much fun.

  3. completely off topic, but..

    WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?? anyone in downtown have any idea why someone seems to have set off a litany of fireworks on the mon river????


    i mean, i know we love our fireworks here in the burgh, but middle of the day?

  4. You missed the one of John McCain talking about Iraq in front of a bunch of blocks of cheese--including swiss cheese.

  5. i saw the cheese interview.

    i thought my head was going to explode.

  6. well, the price of cheese, eggs and milk is very relevant to my family right now.
    Obama is very photogenic but who wouldn't be in a world tour.
    Get real people, do you really think he will be the savior, or do you just fear growing old? You willgrow old, hopefully, and then you will recognize real wisdom, as opposed to desire.

  7. If cheese could vote, John McCain might win.

  8. wisdom does not always come with age.

    fools grow old too.

  9. John K: So how is Gen Petreaus doing these days lefties? Posing with Obama. LMAO LMAO He is now the Man! 12 months ago you called him Gen Betrayus and me a coward for supporting him. Ahhh revenge is so sweet.

  10. John K: This isn't good. Obama got zero bump from the visit and him and McCain are running even. In fact, McCain is picking up support. How do I know. All you got is cheese. LMAO Cheese LOL LOL Olbermouth has nothing but cheese. LMAO Run another picture of Obama and Gen Petreaus and tell us again how Obama said if things had turned out differently he would have been right. Cheese. LOL LOL LOL
