August 12, 2008

Bush Entertains Crowds at Olympics

...By doing a really good impersonation of a drunk:

You get the feeling that he might be tossed out on his ass if he attended a football game under the NFL's new "fan-friendly" rules...

(h/t to FourWinds10 and Gawker)


  1. John K: Bush is what he always said he was, a regular American guy. The left hates that. They prefer their leaders to be elite snobs.

  2. John K: This post clearly shows the left has lost in the arena of ideas, as Limbaugh likes to say. The left has now resorted to sifting through thousands of photos to find the ones they think will help maintain their base. In short, the papparazzi mentality. Which is also an indicator that conservatives won. I WIN! But I already told you that. LMAO

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. omg, he's trying to "raise the roof"?? really???

    he's the president of the united states, not some good ol' boy who got freebies to the olympics. the flag is even backwards! traitor!

    poor laura, i sorta' feel sorry for her. and i definately feel sorry for whichever twin that is sitting next to him. she must be mortified.

  5. John K: Yah the papparazzi mentality. Scan thru thousands of pictures to find the ones that play to your base. I think what really irks you liberals is he is cheering for the US. Shame.

  6. I'm sorry, I just don't see anything particularly terrible or damning about these photos.

  7. Don't forget that while W was partying, our ally, Georgia was being overrun by the Russians.

  8. Jesus Christ, John, lighten up a bit...learn to pick your battles, because this is a really stupid thing to get so worked up over.

  9. Bush is a regular guy?

    Who was delivered to elementary school in a limousine.

    Who attended one of the most exclusive prep schools in the country.

    Who was a male cheerleader at Andover.

    Who attended Yale (thanks to family connections).

    Who attended Harvard (thanks to family connections).

    Who avoided combat in Vietnam thanks to family connections.

    Who got staked in the oil business thanks to family connections.

    Who failed in the oil business but was bailed out financially by his father's political and financial associates.

    Who moved to Texas after his privileged New England education to start wearing cowboy boots, develop a drawl, and pretend to be a good ol' boy.

    Who was a no-count drunk until he was 40 years old.

    Whose grandfather was a U.S. Senator and whose father was president of the United States, which explains pretty much his whole life.

    This is a "regular American guy," according to a guy who claims to disdain "elitists."

    You might be the dumbest guy I have ever countered on a message board, John.
