August 28, 2008

Football and Politics: A Truly Pittsburgh Presidential Convention Event

You are invited to join the fun on Thursday evening as shown below.

Football and Politics, A Truly Pittsburgh Convention Watch Event
(Convention Watch Party)

Only in Pittsburgh, can football and politics make for one magical evening. On August 28, 2008 The Pittsburgh Steelers will take on The Carolina Panthers, immediately following the game be a witness to history as Illinois Senator, Barack Obama accepts the Democratic Party's Nomination for President of The United States.

Enjoy a great ballgame and then hear what is sure to be one of the most important speeches in generations. All live on a large screen in the company of your friends, neighbors, fellow supporters, Pittsburgh notables, and a surprise celebrity host. Doors open at 6pm, and there is no cost to attend this event.

Time: Thursday, August 28 at 6:00 PM
Duration: 5 hours (The football game will start at 7 PM and Barack will speak at around 10 PM.)
Host: Calvin Skinner
Contact Phone: 412-867-6853
Location: New Greater Pittsburgh Coliseum, 7310 Frankstown Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15208

If you plan to attend, please sign up at the web site shown below so that the organizers will know how many people to expect. Off course, you can still attend the event even if you do not sign up.

Hope to see you on Thursday!

Saleem Khan
Point Breeze


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