August 5, 2008

More on Mike Pintek and Climate Change

I was lucky enough to catch some of "The News Mike's Way" on tonight's Night Talk. Let me tell you it was an experience.

Current host Mike Pintek showed a level of scientific understanding not seen in a long long time. He quoted this story from The Times of London. Dr Dennis Wheeler, a British climate researcher who's looking at the data from British ships' log books from the 17th and 18th centuries. Mike found this sentence especially resourceful:
This shows that during the 1730s, Europe underwent a period of rapid warming similar to that recorded recently – and which must have had natural origins.
And then added this quotation from Wheeler:
Global warming is a reality, but what our data shows is that climate science is complex and that it is wrong to take particular events and link them to CO2 emissions.
And followed it with: "That's what I've been trying to tell you!

See Mike's one of those skeptics who thinks the whole "Global Warming" thing's a hoax. He used this article to "prove" that there have been rises in global temperature before the industrial revolution therefore the current rise is natural and not man-made.

Stunning logic.

Too bad Mike Pintek missed this part of the article:
Wheeler makes clear he has no doubts about modern human-induced climate change.
Know where that sentence was hidden? It came right before the sentence he quoted.
Wheeler makes clear he has no doubts about modern human-induced climate change. He said: “Global warming is a reality, but what our data shows is that climate science is complex and that it is wrong to take particular events and link them to CO2 emissions. These records will give us a much clearer picture of what is really happening.”

The fact that Mike Pintek tried to use this data to debunk global climate change is stunning. Just stunning.


  1. John K: Yep, Pittsburgh region gets 7, on average, days of 90+ degree temperature a year. So far we have had 3. And this is August.

  2. John K: So the facts about Capt Cook's logs mean nothing? Global warming is caused not by man but by outside sources such as the sun and internal pressures. Pintek is right. It happened before. From 900 to 1300 AD for one. It'll happen again.

  3. Remember John K to Anthropogenic climate change alarmists a cooling trend is just weather. But a heat wave is proof.
    All you need to know about the "peer-reviewed" "settled" science of Anthropogenic climate change.
    "We have 25 or so years invested in the work. Why should I make the data available to you, when your aim is to try and find something wrong with it. There is IPR to consider."

  4. John K: Well, can you explain why the temp jumped 9 degrees F from 900 to 1300 AD without a combustable engine in sight? Or why the latitude that has the right temperature mix for producing grain jumped the Mediterrean from Egypt to just above Rome from 45 BC to 0 AD?
    When Gore can explain this, and he can't, then I will listen.
    Remember only 3 days of 90+ temps in this region this summer. Normal is 7.

  5. As a scientist, I have to deal with multiple causes for phenomena and various confounds all the time. I'm not well-read regarding climate change, but my guess is that there are several contributors to recent trends, one of which may be human activity. I'd be more inclined to be concerned about human factors if the alarmists would more clearly articulate roughly how much climate variation can be attributed to human activity. The Right blithely dismisses any evidence of a human factor in climate change, and the Left tells us the sky is falling based on what seems to be an interpretation of evidence that blames humans as the primary cause of climate change. I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle. I'd like to hear some estimates of just how much blame can be reasonably assigned to humans before enthusiastically jumping (back) on the environmentalist bandwagon.

  6. "Yep, Pittsburgh region gets 7, on average, days of 90+ degree temperature a year. So far we have had 3. And this is August."

    As the Pittsburgh goes, so goes the world, eh?

  7. Well, there have been some efforts to clean up and limit the production of more pollution, which obviously has been effective in the US and I believe also in Europe. So that may have slowed the effects of human caused global warming.

    But make no mistake, there are more and more people, so we need to take this thing seriously. But as we add to the electric grid, if we do so with solar and wind, and then start to replace coal and natural gas generated electricity with more wind and solar, then we may see global warming slow down even more. As we switch our vehicle fleet to plug in hybrids, again we may see even more slowing in global warming.

    Heir, that is hardly all I need to know about Anthropogenic Climate Change. I don't believe the studies that disprove the hockey stick are accepted at all by their peers.

  8. i guess that john hasn't really noticed that we don't really have four distinct seasons here in pgh anymore? we seem to go straight from winter to summer and then a very short fall, which either starts too early, or too late.

  9. John K: Anyone answer my qustion about actual world temperature changes throughout history? Nope, I thought not. I WIN!
    Keep whining liberals. There is huge money in it for Gore.

  10. John K: Yep we get 7 on average days of above 90 in a summer. So you would think, based on Gore's graph, that we would always be rising in that number. But no we aren't, are we? LMAO LMAO We aren't Eric and like global warming, there is nothing you can do about it, is there? LMAO
    Except inflate your tires. LMAO LMAO

  11. John K: Well? Has anyone come up with a reason for the fact that the world warmed up from 45 BC to 0AD and the grain producing latitudes moved North of Rome? Eric? Anyone? I thought not.
    So the conclusion is that all you Gore disciples really don't know what you are talking about.

  12. If you're lumping me in with Gore disciples, you obviously didn't read my 10:06 AM comment.

  13. Has anyone come up with a reason for the fact that the world warmed up from 45 BC to 0AD and the grain producing latitudes moved North of Rome?

    There was no year 0 AD, so I win.

  14. Global warming is a crock of crap at one point there was no ice on this planet its returning to the way it was weather we like it or not we cant stop it ever. Have we accelerated it Sure but we didn't cause it.
