August 20, 2008

Oh my!

Looks like when I posted this back in July, I may have been on to something.


  1. John K: "You, Sen. McCain have been caught pandering, again.  Despite warnings from me and other liberals you continue to conduct your campaign in this manner.  This commentator has told you before that if you continue to pander your double secret probation status will be invoked and  we will bring impeachment charges against you for having a political party in violation of the founding fathers insistence that there be no political parties.  You have been warned."  Throw papers at the camera and look stern.  Do I got the Olbermouth thing down or what.  Point, McCain panders, gosh when did political candidates start doing that in campaigns?

  2. mein heir... that's pretty desperate. saying that the story never happened, certainly does not take away from the fact that the story was indeed written about. and i don't think that fr. veronis plagiarized the story from john mccain seeing as this is the first time HE'S recounted this "story".

  3. I am sure that the nostrils of God have long accustommed themselves to the putrid smell that comes out of our American salvation-for-sale corporartions and the GOP that for a long time has exploited them.

    McCain should thank God that the Mystery does not have the gun-slinger attitude toward destroying evil that he, the little maverick, does.

  4. John K: Gosh M Daschund, you condemning everyone who disagrees with you to hell eh? Did not know you had that power. LMAO

  5. John K,.

    Do you know how to read?

    Can you comprehend anything?

  6. hey, on a different note,

    maria, i gave you and dave a "kick ass" blogger award.

    it's at my blog because i suck at linking and such.

  7. I read that this story came from Chuck Colson.

  8. Yeah, Heir, you're right; it's even worse - McCain stole the story from an urban legend concocted by Chuck Colson.

    Look at our wingers make excuses...they'll come on here and god knows where else, spreading lies about Obama wanting to eat our children, but when any question is raised about John McCain...they attack the messenger, they rationalize their actions...

    These Obama haters - and that's what it is, pure and simple, just plain ol' hate - will even go so far as to mock their own religion with taunts of "Messiah." Nothing means anything to them.
