August 13, 2008

Yep, nothing to see here.

Nope, the new John McCain web ad featuring one young white women after another* talking about how dreamy Barack Obama is which even ends with the line "Hot chicks dig Obama" is in no way playing the race card because there is no race card unless it's Obama playing it.

Got it?


* Note: They had to have all white chicks in the ad because everyone knows that black folk just don't dig him!


  1. mccain should be ashamed of the desperation stink surrounding him.

  2. seriously though... their desperation is slightly comforting.

  3. John K: Anyone tell me why liberals are always the first to notice a person's skin color?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anyone with half a brain can see how RETARDED that video piece is, McCain or Obama fans.

  6. We'll answer that, John, when you tell us why conservatives act like racism doesn't exist any more. Or why they run campaigns with racially toned subtext and then act as if they don't know what's going on(see Harold Ford's senate race in '06).

    The ad itself contains a huge McCain lie about Obama voting to raise taxes. That was part of a budget resolution that was not enacted. The $42,000 figure would only have been true for single taxpayers, not for families as McCain as implied in other ads. But the resolution was NEVER enacted and is not currently part of Obama's tax plan, which is far more generous than McCain's giveaway to the oil companies with subsidies and $4 billion in tax breaks.

    The simple truth is that Obama is proposing a broad tax cut for middle-class Americans, whereas McCain's tax cuts won't affect 101 million American families. The vast majority of McCain's tax cuts are for the highest income brackets - the top 1-5% - whereas hardworking Americans get next to nothing.

    In the $38,000 to $66,000 range, Obama proposes cutting taxes by $1,042. McCain only proposes $319. If you make $66,000 to $112,000, Obama's proposals would reduce your taxes by $1290. McCain's plan would be $1009. If you are among the super rich, making $2.9 million or more, John McCain will cut your taxes by $269, 364.

    It's clear that John McCain and the Republicans do not care about the middle class.

    Apparently, he's not satisfied with income disparity merely reaching a level equal to that of 1928. The effect of McCain's tax cuts would further squeeze the middle class, continuing the right's long assault on middle class Americans, who are still waiting for the benefits of any Republican tax cuts to "trickle down."

    The truth is that after cutting taxes for the highest incomes over the last 50 odd years(and especially during the last 3 decades) the result has not been a "trickle down" that "raises all ships." Instead, we have seen wages go down, prices go up, jobs ship overseas and the value of the dollar decline.

    Hardworking Americans are expected to pay for more with less. Income disparity has, as mentioned above, returned to levels not seen since before the Great Depression. There are more Americans below the poverty line, more Americans unable to save for retirement, more Americans unable to afford health care and higher education.

    Republican economic polices are not a recipe for a vibrant, healthy society. It is a recipe for aristocracy, something our Founders, like John Adams, viewed as poison to our Republic.

  7. And just to note, the Republicans can keep running these smear ads because IT'S NOT WORKING!

    John McCain has not received more than 45% in the Gallup daily tracking poll since June 6. And despite a brief tightening in the tracking poll when the Spears/Hilton ad first ran, Obama has posted the following results over the last week:


    The McCain campaign is on an eerily similar trajectory to that of Kerry in '04. During the summer and into the fall, Kerry never led but was only a few points behind. Obama's lead is about twice the size of the average lead Bush held over Kerry in '04.

    Even more trouble, as mentioned above, is exactly why McCain can't get out of the low 40's. Going to months without reaching 45% in the Gallup Daily is not a good sign for his campaign, which probably explains why McCain has gone so negative so early.

    He's desperate and on a trajectory for defeat in November. Whereas Obama is outperforming Kerry in 41 states, McCain is only outperforming Bush in a few. And the battleground states this year include a number of traditionally safe Republican states - Alaska, Indiana, Virginia, Montana, Colorado, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, South Dakota, South Carolina and Georgia. It's also possible that Texas and Arkansas could come into play.

  8. John K: Jaywillie, answering a question with a question is an liberal response. It means you really have no answer. I WIN!

  9. John K: Actually the 'smear' is working. With all the favorable press Hussein Obama is getting you would think he would be 30 points ahead. But no, he is even. Even. The truth is coming out. The left calls it a smear.

  10. Another stupid childish commercial.

  11. Good comments Jaywillie.

  12. No, John, you're wrong.

    First, the kind of question you asked is of the "Have you stopped beating your wife" variety. Sorry, not going to play your game.

    Second, sadly for you, the smear is not working. The race is essentially where it has been since Obama secured the Dem nomination. McCain's ads have done nothing to change the fundamental dynamics of this race.

    The race is certainly not even, no matter how much conservatives what to pretend it is. Obama has, per, about 284 electoral votes, if the election were held today. projects Obama with roughly 294 electoral votes. Obama continues to lead in MI, OH, PA, MT, VA, IA and NM.

    Essentially, he doesn't need Ohio or FL to win. All Kerry states plus IA, CO and NM = an Obama win. But Obama also has realistic chances to win MT, NV, VA, IN, ND and AK so he has far more options than McCain to secure an electoral victory.

    Now, you make the point that Obama should be ahead by 30 points. This is absurd and in no way consistent with what polling data has shown since January. Neither Obama nor Clinton were ever ahead of McCain by huge margins. There was never any indication of a blow-out, though an electoral rout is certainly possible considering the number of "red" states that are in play this year.

    In comparison, Bush led Kerry through the summer and fall of 04 with an avg. lead of about 2 pts. Currently, Obama has been leading McCain by 3-4 pts since June 6.

    It seems quite possible that McCain has a ceiling of 44-45%, as very few national polls show him getting even that.

    Of course, the game is won with the states, not the nation as a whole. So the polls that really matter are state polls; not national polls. In both cases, Obama is doing much better than McCain.

    Obama also has a massive GOTV effort in the form of an army of volunteers. McCain has nothing comparable; there simply isn't a viable GOTV effort being put in place by McCain. In many instances, so-called McCain headquarters in states are really the headquarters for all statewide/national Republicans within the state. In a very real sense, McCain is competing with his fellow Republicans for resources in those states.

    It's incredibly sad that McCain has resorted to these tactics so soon, especially after promising to run an honorable campaign.

    It's quite telling that conservatives such as yourself, John, cannot win without tearing someone down, without lying, without fabricating rumors, without smears.

    And they'll get worse. McCain will have no choice but to ratchet up the rhetoric and say even more outlandish lies about Obama.

    Perhaps he'll adopt some of the swill from Corsi's new book; I'm certain conservatives, like yourself, will and I hope that's the case, because the only thing these smears and negative ads have been effective at is damaging McCain's reputation.

    Keep telling yourself McCain isn't running a losing campaign; deep down you know it's true, you know he isn't someone you consider a "true" conservative and that you are disappointed he won the nomination. He certainly doesn't inpsire you.

    No, what gets you off is trashing the opponent. That's the only thing that has you excited about this campaign, because I know that you, as a "true" conservative, are not thrilled with McCain.

    And so you and other conservatives and your candidate will resort to smearing him, his family - his wife already, probably his kids at some point. There is probably no line in this regard that you and your fellow conservatives are not willing to cross.

  13. Hmm, the one thing I noticed is that I didn't here the "I'm John McCain and I approved this message" voice over at the end, unless maybe it got cut off.

    Umm, it was the McCain campaign who first said that Obama was "playing the race card". Obama had said, in response to the Spears/Hilton ad, that he doesn't look like the Presidents on the dollar and five dollar bill. McCain and his people used the word "race" in response. Why did the Republican use the word "race" (and not as in "race to the White House")?

  14. John K: Your non answer was all I needed to see Jaywillie. Take pride in your racism. It helps you feel so liberal.

  15. actually john, jaywillie answered you and then some. i doubt that you even read it.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.
