September 10, 2008

More On Sarah Palin

From Michael Kinsley:
  • Palin has continued to repeat the already exposed lie that she said "No, thanks" to the famous "bridge to nowhere" (McCain's favorite example of wasteful federal spending). In fact, she said "Yes, please" until the project became a symbol and political albatross.
  • Of the 50 states, Alaska ranks No. 1 in taxes per resident and No. 1 in spending per resident. Its tax burden per resident is 2 1/2 times the national average; its spending, more than double.
  • Alaska also ranks No. 1, year after year, in money it sucks in from Washington. In 2005 (the most recent figures), according to the Tax Foundation, Alaska ranked 18th in federal taxes paid per resident ($5,434) but first in federal spending received per resident ($13,950).
  • One thing Barack Obama and McCain disagree on is an oil windfall–profits tax. McCain is against it, on the theory that it is a tax and therefore bad, and also that it would discourage domestic production. Obama is for it, on the theory that if oil companies can make a nice profit when oil sells for $50 per bbl., they can still make a nice profit when it sells for more than $100, even if the government takes a bit and spreads the money around to those who are hurting from higher oil prices.
  • Her major legislative accomplishment has been to revamp Alaska's windfall-profits tax in order to increase the state's take. Alaska calls it a "clear and equitable share" tax. The state assumes that extracting oil from the tundra costs about $25 per bbl. and takes as much as 75% of the difference between that and the sale price.

Yea, that's a "maverick." That's a "reformer." She increased the windfall-profits tax on oil in Alaska.

She. Increased. A. Tax.

On Oil. Can someone please tell me why conservatives love her so much? Other than sheer political expediency?


  1. Just in case. Goodbye goofy world. It'll all end in a fraction of a second.
    (The LHC gets turned on today.)
    BTW, Vote Obama.

  2. John K: Both Biden and Obama voted for the bridge also. The when Sen. Coburn introduced a vote to move the bridge funds to Katrina relief, both Biden and Obama voted to build the bridge. Palin vocally came out and said stop the bridge. NEXT!

  3. John K: Looks like you left wing kooks are trying to put lipstick on this pig. LOL LOL

  4. In other words, John K, you have no comment on Sarah Palin raising an oil company windfall profits tax. Because you would rather ignore that.

  5. Fart-in-the-wind-JohnK is just a pebble in a shoe. He'll never amount to anything positive.

  6. John K: Think calling Palin a pig isn't having an effect? Think Again! LMAO Hussein Obama is on his way to Harlem to meet with Bubba Clinton. In Bubba's office. No meeting half way but all the way to the sacred temple of liberalism. To beg Bubba and Hillary's support. Yes, the same Clintons that Hussein Obama ignored at the convention. The same Clintons that Olbermann said to ignore. Olbermann said he had their back. LOL LOL Referred to Bubba as playing the race card. Hussein Obama is in trouble and doesn't have a clue how to get out of it. He would ask Biden for help, but no one seems to know where he is. LMAO I told you liberals. But did you listen to me. Noooo. So keep trashing Palin and calling her a pig. LMAO I am winning huge!

  7. See, the lipstick on a pig remark was made as part of a comment on John McCain now claiming to be the change candidate. But it is easy for the McCain campaign to claim the lipstick comment was directed at Sarah Palin.

    And when attention is focused on Palin, then John K. tries to change the subject. He can't defend Palin's raising a windfall profits tax on oil, making our gas more expensive. He can't defend Palin's flip flop on the Bridge to Nowhere, where she only changed her support when it was politicially expediant to do so.

    And yeah, Biden and Obama voted for the huge appropriations bill that included the Bridge to Nowhere. So did the rest of the Senate (except maybe Tom Coburn). The Bridge name was stripped out, but Alaska still got exactly as much money.

    But here's a thought. Instead of "lol"-ing about BS, let's ask, are voters better off than they were eight years ago? Does John McCain even want to do anything to help the bottom 95%? Do we think we need a change, or do we need to elect another Republican with a deregulation agenda that will cause gridlock with a hostile Congress?

  8. John K: They found Biden. He is telling people in wheel chairs to stand up. Who does he think he is, Obama?

  9. johnk,

    Still trying to figure out the windfall profits tax, aren't you?

    The idea that Gov. Palin increased it is just too much for you to wrap your little head around, isn't it?

  10. John K: Hey Kimber, how does it feel to be stupid? Questionned asked and answered. The fact that you can't read is your problem.

  11. John K: Hey Ed, how is that everyone voted for it defense working for you. Biden and Obama voted for the bridge. If you need more lipstick, ask Kimber. LOL

  12. Fartin-the-wind-JohnK., you're winning what?
    With whom are you competing?
    Everyone here knows you're a joke, at best.
    Now say something else asinine! LOL LOL
    Vote Obama

  13. BTW, the first run of the LHC was successful. We didn't turn into a black hole.

  14. Fart-in-the-wind-JohnK.:

    -Do you believe that Osama bin Laden will ever be brought to justice?

    -Are you a registered voter?

  15. its not necessary to DEFEND biden and obama's vote on the bill. they are not out there lying and saying that they didn't support it!


    oops... i mean PALIN.

    i do that alot when i type her name.


  16. So do you favor using Palin's windfall oil tax model at the national level? Can we all have $3000? That was nearly two billion dollars worth of tax on Alaska's oil, I guess. Too bad the oil companies had to raise our price at the pump to make Sarah Palin popular.

    And once again, you said "No self respecting liberal would ever return money to the people" not long before you talked about Obama wanting to give people $1000.

  17. John K: No wonder you left wing kooks are so worried about Palin and her windfall profits tax. You need the money because Democrats are not paying their taxes. Candidate Al (what me pay taxes) Franken and now Rep. Rangel. How about getting your people to start paying their taxes so this windfall profits tax thing will work for all of us.

  18. John K: Polls, anyone from the left got a poll? Left wing kooks use polls to make news and now silence on polls. What gives? You lefties going to wait till Hussein Obama prays at the alter of Clinton in Harlem for forgiveness to talk about polls? LMAO LMAO I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM PALIN? You're losers. LOL

  19. NBC poll released earlier today, has Obama ahead of McCain.
    John K. you're a loser. LOL

  20. Get your fucking facts straight, John K.

    Palin continues to LIE(just like you) about her support for the Bridge to Nowhere. It's on tape - Palin supporting the bridge, well before Congress killed it.

    It wasn't Sarah Palin who said, "Thanks but no thanks" to that bridge. IT WAS CONGRESS.

    Then Sarahcuda changed her position.

    Obama and Biden are not running around saying that they were opposed to the Bridge; Palin is. With that in mind, who the fuck cares what Obama and Biden think about this?

    IT'S ABOUT PALIN BEING A FUCKING LIAR. It's abuot the McCain campaign endorsing LYING. It's about the Republicans having no qualms with LYING because, like you John K., they are LIARS.

    And did little Sarah "Too precious to face questions" Palin return the money for the Bridge to Nowhere?

    NO. She spent it on other projects...

    BECAUSE...Sarah "Too weak to face criticism" Palin LOVES earmarks(which, btw, make up about 3% of our budget).


    Palin says she opposed the bridge, when in fact, she DID NOT. Yet she keeps running around LYING about how she opposed it. Obama and Biden aren't running around LYING about their position - so talk about that all you want.


    And the Clinton's weren't ignored at the convention, or did you miss the fact that they both gave primetime speeches?

    I know that it's hard to keep all the LIES you tell straight, John K., as well as trying to keep up with all of the LIES the McCain campaign is telling.

    Maybe if you just stopped LYING, you wouldn't have to worry about it.

    But when you are a LIAR supporting a LYING campaign and its LYING candidates, it must be hard to give up what you know best.

    P.S. I'm sure, Johnny KKK, that you were equally outraged when McCain attacked one of HRC's plans as "putting lipstick on a pig." I know all you conservative lying sacks of shit spoke up, full of outrage at the blatant sexism exhibited by McCain's use of a very old political axiom.

    No offense, John K., you piece of shit, but this race ain't over. And if you think LYIN' Sarah Palin is going to carry feeble old man John McCain to victory in November, well, you might want to really think about how often a VP candidate has carried a ticket to victory.

    You can put LIPSTICK ON A PIG, but McCain/Palin is just more of the same. It's just a pig with lipstick.

    (And,no, you colossal, twit we're not going to back off of this "lipstick on a pig" nonsense - it's just too funny watching conservatives, of all people, cry sexism and play the victim when they have spent so many years holding women back.)

    Karma's a bitch, John K. And it wins in the end. Some might say that building a campaign of lies, like Palin and McCain, is risky; as someone who loves to LIE, I'm sure you think it's the best.

  21. John K: Jaywillie you really need to learn to comprehend when you read. Palin first supported the bridge then withdrew her support. Congress approved the bridge and both Biden and Obama voted twice to fund the bridge. In fact, Biden and Obama, when offered a choice by Coburn for using the money for Katrina relief or funding the bridge, they choose the bridge. Their vote is in the congressional records. Palin had no vote in congress so she did not approve squat. But you seem to agree with me on all these points so it must be the lipstick comment that has you upset. If you need some lipstick see Kimber. LMAO LMAO You have got to stop using the dailykos for your sources.

  22. John K: So the poll numbers from NBC are what? You have numbers? Any poll numbers at all from NBC? LMAO You left wing kooks must love lipstick.
    Not only am I a registered voter, I am a likely voter LOL LOL LMAO This is just too funny.

  23. John K: And now we have the "whose primary qualification seems to be that she hsn't had an abortion". I have heard people in here utter similar words. And I have said, what irritates you lefties the most is she is a pro life feminist that made it without Oprah. I can't wait till the Daily kos tries to spin out of this. LMAO LMAO Dayvoe will probably have their BS on it tomorrow as he usually does. Probably something like she never said that. LMAO LMAO and someone will call me a liar. LOL LOL Lipstick for all left wing kooks.

  24. How often have you ever heard the word "pig" used as a sexist insult to women?

    Ever? Anyone?

    This is why conservatives like Johnny KKK are hysterical - they've been SEXISTS for so long that they have no idea what they're talking about.

    You can put lipstick on a pig, John K, but you're still a LIAR.

  25. Wingers don't want to talk about issues...they want to distract voters with nonsense.

    Lipstick meet Pig.

    Keep LYING, Johnny KKK. It's what you do best.

    Even if my side loses, at least we'll know we did it without sinking to the disgusting, dishonorable, shit-eating level of the McCain camp and its supports, like you, Johnny KKK.

    Question for you Johnny KKK -why is Sarah Palin such a goddamn chickens-shit and won't answer questions? What's Palin afraid of? If she's ready, she can certainly answer questions. And voters certainly have a right to ask them and have them answered.


  26. John K: LOL LOL The demoted Olbermouth said Enough! LOL LOL We are not running our campaign according to his standards. LMAO We are all lying except for you left wing kooks. LOL He is funny. Jaywillie, I told you, Kimber has the lipstick in here. Ask her for some to put on your comments. LMAO Olbermouth LMAO Well back to the game.

  27. I'm sorry, what's that, Johnny KKK?

    Sarah Palin WAS for the bridge before she was against?

    Is that what you're saying?

    I think it is.

    And yet you're perfectly comfortable with her continuing to lie about it.

    Johnny KKK endorses LYING.

    And why don't you have anything to say about her keeping the $200 mil plus? She may have changed her mind about the bridge, but she sure didn't change her affection for spending earmarks.

    And again, Obama and Biden are not running around telling LIES about their position on the bridge - PALIN IS. That's why it's an issue.

    You can try to distract, as you always do, Johnny Racist, but it's not going to work.

    It's about Palin.

    It's about Palin LYING.

    It's about Palin REPEATEDLY LYING about her original support for the bridge. And if you knew what you were talking about, Johnny Homophobe, you would have known that Congress abdicated most of its decision-making responsibilities - it was almost entirely Palin's call as governor how to spend the earmarks that Stevens and Young secured for the bridge.

    There's even have video of McCain blaming Palin's support for the bridge to nowhere as a reason for the Minnesota bridge collapse.

    And here's another Palin LIE:

    She accused Obama of requesting $750 mil in earmarks for IL(the actual number is about $300).

    NOT TRUE. Another Palin LIE.ds

    As governor, Palin has requested and received, because of her good friends Ted Stevens and Don Young, nearly $750 mil in earmarks.

    It's clear what Republican scum like the kind Johnny Sexist supports are doing - they're projecting their own shortcomings, positions, onto their opponents.

    What's that, you say? Palin loves earmarks. Then let's blame Obama!

    Again, Johnny Dumbass - it's the disconnect.

    Palin says one thing(I oppose earmarks) and her record says the complete opposite(she requested and accepted nearly $750 mil in earmarks).

    She says one thing, when she's done another.

    I think the one thing we can be certain of after two weeks is that SARAH PALIN IS A GODDAMN LIAR.

    You can put lipstick on a pig, Johnny Nutjob, but it's still a pig. (in this instance, the lipstick is Palin and McCain is the pig - I know metaphors are hard for you to understand).

    And you're still a fucking twit.

    Have a nice day.

  28. You are lying, John.

    The fact that you have completely erased the line between fact and fiction is telling.

    And you still have no idea how satellite television works.

    Do you have someone to help you dress in the morning? Make sure you remember to breath and stuff like that?

    Because frankly, Johnny KKK, you are too fucking dumb for anyone to mistake you for a functioning adult.

    I think all that LYING you do and endorse has gotten to you. You can't tell the lies from the truth any more.

  29. JohnK. I dare you to vote for Obama, seeing how you're positive he'll lose.

  30. Oh no, Bob, that can't be right.

    Per Johnny Racist, our resident winger, McCain's LIES have sealed the deal...all they have to do is keep LYING from here until the election and no one will notice or care that they will lied to an the only man who can save us, John McCain, will be elected President because he was a POW.

    BTW I suppose w/ all this "lipstick on a pig" nonsense(and really - it's a perfect metaphor for McCain/Palin - McCain's a pig that votes w/ Bush 90% of the time and is trying to hide that fact by putting "Lipstick" on the ticket - it's a perfect metaphor) we really should mention this McCain classic, made in reference to his wife:

    "Do you always plaster on the make-up like a trollop, you cunt."

    I cannot begin to say how credible it is to have a mysoginistic pig like John McCain - who has called Chelsea Clinton ugly and whose supporters openly referred to Hillary as a "bitch" - speak out against sexism. That's so powerful - to have an ancient fucking hypocrite like John "I crashed 5 planes" McCain speak out against sexism, especially when it's not even present.

    That's just who McCain is, I guess.

    P.S. If Palin is afraid to answer questions from the media, how can she stand up to the ter'ists?

    And if McCain/Palin does win, will Palin's VP duties include changing John McCain's diapers and wiping his ass? If this is the case, then she's fully qualified for the job.

  31. Ooh, Bob...I like that dare.

    But Johnny Racist is too much of a cowardly chickenshit to accept a dare like that.

    Now, if you could somehow involve LYING...that might pique his interest.

  32. I'm sitting here LMAO at the sight of Jaywilly flipping out, cursing up the comments pages with his rants. John K has gotten to you in a way that none of us could have ever imagined...kind of like the way Sarah Palin is getting to Barack Obama.

    Obama is an empty suit, pure and simple. McCain did the right thing by taking the mantle of "change" from Obama and pointing out that he is the one who has reached across the table to work with members of the other party.

    Face it, Jaywilly, Obama is falling apart--and even you seem to know this given the fact you are violently lashing out--this is evidence of desperation.

    I can't wait 'till November!

  33. Actually, Obama is the opposite of an empty suit. He is a smart man who is trying to help an America that has not fared well under seven and two thirds years of George Bush. Obama is far from perfect and seems, by moving to the center and trying to appeal to the broadest range of voters, have lost his connection to the things that get him most fired up.

    It is McCain, who has dropped the experience arguement in favor of plagurizing Mr. Obama's change theme, who is the empty suit. He isn't even bothering with economic porposals any more, he is just promising to veto Congressional appropriations. Essentially McCain is telling us he is planning to create government gridlock, hoping to relive 1994, and have a Republican Congress voted back in in 2010. With global warming, slowing oil production and a new energy crisis, an economy battered by recession, a mortgage crisis and higher energy prices, two wars and a continuing terrorist threat, continuing problems with our largest rivals Russia and China, our poorest citizens becoming outraged by the fact that they are being denied more and more the opportunity to move up the ladder, a growing healthcare crisis and we have a world which we are setting up to leave in much worse shape for our children, we have John McCain, who promises to ... do nothing. Or maybe make it worse.

  34. John K: I'm stunned. I voted for Clinton in the primary and you would question my ethics. That hurts. Whoever ran the poll numbers, did you just pick some numbers out of the air? What you posted some numbers and they refer to ????

  35. John K: Hussein Obama, today being 9-11 he should be called Osama Obama, isn't that smart. He speaks well from a teleprompter. When off the prompter is when he makes all his mistakes. He does not respond to town hall settings. And his bevy of change consists of Biden? This guy is about as dumb as Jaywillie, and his wife is just as angry. LOL

  36. The poll numbers are the answer to YOUR question, JohnK.

    You are an idiot. You are a loser. LMAO LMAO LMAO

    Now say something else stupid. LOL
