September 2, 2008

The Proper Democratic Response

To each new revelation on that NUTJOB secessionist-loving, sending our soldiers to Iraq is a "task that is from God" believing, book-banning, creationist-proselytizing, not knowing what the vice president does, bridge-to-no-where flip-flopping, can't get straight whether she believes in abstinence-only/Sex Ed in school, abortion-banning, historically ignorant, flat out liar about her love for earmarks/lobbyists, ethically-challenged lawyered up Gov. Sarah* Palin:


(h/t to youngwilhelm)
* See Comments


  1. Sure it's cute. I would have even laughed at it. Except that Maria had to go and call Palin a "nut job". Actually, it was an all-caps "NUT JOB".

    Which would be fine. If she hadn't, just last week, excoriated anyone who dared to question the sanity of any female members of the Democratic party. According to last week's post, the Republicans should be detested because they call Democratic women "crazy bitches".

    But when Maria turns around and calls a Republican woman a "nut job", that's supposed to be OK.

    Well, it's not. Maybe you should go back and watch Obama's incredible speech from last week again, Maria. I seem to recall that he said something about how we should be able to disagree with a someone's political views without feeling compelled to portray them as something less than ourselves.

    In the Senator's own words, "... one of the things that we have to change in our politics is the idea that people cannot disagree without challenging each other's character...". Not content with just attacking Palin's character, Maria has to go one step further and do exactly what she claimed was so very wrong just last week, and attack her very sanity.

    I've said it before, and it does absolutely no good. I should probably just stop trying to point it out, but I'll give it one last go. You will not impress anyone or contribute in any way to winning this election by mirroring the despicable tactics of the right. It just makes you look hypocritical, hate-filled, and -- if truth be told -- a bit like a nut-job crazy bitch.

  2. Now, wait just a second, don't get to call Maria out and then use the same expression your mad at her for using.

    I know you were doing it to make a point, but it has quite the opposite effect.

    Now, I would describe Palin's views as extreme, radical, outside the mainstream...nut job is a bit of an unpleasant euphemism for the same thing.

    But anyone who thinks the schools should be teaching my kids someone else's religion...sorry, but I do find that a bit nuts.

  3. Trust me, Maria is a little crazy. But what woman isn't?

  4. RKT,

    "...just last week, excoriated anyone who dared to question the sanity of any female members of the Democratic party."

    No, I pointed out that painting the wives of Democratic presidential candidates/female Democratic presidential candidates as crazy, ball-busting bitches was a TACTIC used by the Republican Party. Just as it is their tactic to paint Democratic male presidential candidates as weird and weak and foreign and how these two memes compliment each other.

    Sorry you missed that point.

    But I don't want to be a bitch so I've changed my post.

    I hope you find it pleasing.

  5. Ah, the election is not won yet at all. I spent last night talking with a friend who is assisting a research polling firm with the election and he is concerned. It seems that the pick is polling really well in the midwest battleground states such as ours.

    Additionally, the scrutiny of her resume that should have been on her actions not her family or tenure but the results of her tenure are alienating voters.

    Right now people are running at any story and taking it as sound and then slamming her. By the end of today, the AIP story will be retracted, etc.


  6. John K: Do I detect some jealousy from the left. I think I do.

  7. John K: What do you mean the Democrats haven't already won the election? Gov Rendell and Mayor Daly have already finished counting the votes in their areas and have declared Hussein Obama the winner. Get real here. Voting is only for conservatives, the real liberals steal elections.

  8. (1) I prefer "extremist" to "nut job" -- more accurate, less offensive

    (2) The election has not been won yet. But the idea that the Republicans are in better position is silly, and placing it in capital letters does not improve it.

    Gov. Palin was a risky pick, from several perspectives, but McCain was in no position to avoid risk if he wanted a chance to win. He should have done a better job of checking Gov. Palin's background, and I believe he could have found a less flimsy candidate who could have given him the "shake it up" factor he needed, but this development tells me that Sen. McCain is trying to win -- to the point of risking a thorough debacle if it increases his chance to win. In other words, he'll take a step that could generate a complete meltdown if it increases his chance to win even slightly. Not all politicians will do that (of course, not every politician is trailing late in what is obviously the final game of his career). This selection should make the road bumpy and more interesting for all concerned.

  9. Hussein John K. makes about as much sense as a fart.

  10. NUT JOB is not gender specific. McCain is NUT JOB, and I think it applies to his incomprehsible politics not his sanity.
