September 30, 2008


It's my fault the bailout vote failed and the DOW cratered.

Yesterday was a travel day for me and when I was in DC I must have unconsciously looked funny at some Republicans and later when I was in lower Manhattan I said "boo" to some pigeons and some guys in suits heard me.



  1. Nice going, Maria. You broke the stock market; broke it! This is why America can't have nice things!

  2. John K: Actually it is Frank's and Pelosi's fault the bill failed. Frank should be indicted and removed from office.

  3. John K: And Frank saying what he said in that clip shows how immature liberals are on this issue.

  4. Yeah, let's blame the Republicans when Ms. Pelosi couldn't deliver 40% of Democrats.. Pelosi and the Democrats could have approved this bill without ANY Republican votes.

  5. Oh c'mon, KGC. You know the Repugs wanted to have it be all Dems voting for it so they could run against their own party leader -- Bush -- remember him?

    They were too cute by half and ended up making McCain and their entire party look bad.


  6. Also, aren't the Republicans supposed to be all about "Rugged Individualism"? I mean, you'd never have heard John Wayne complaining like this.
