October 14, 2008

How Disrespectful

Looks like the formerly honorable Senator from Arizona still has some work to do.

His crowds (and they are HIS CROWDS) are still threatening violence.

Take a look:
There were no incendiary outbursts from the crowd about Mr. Obama during Mrs. Palin's speech, as there have been during other recent McCain-Palin rallies.

However, someone did shout out, "Kill him!" during Republican congressional candidate Chris Hackett's remarks before Mrs. Palin took the stage.

Huh - and here I thought that one of those "Commandments" had to do with killing (or better - NOT killing). But here we have a loyal conservative calling for the murder of a presidential candidate. Isn't the GOP God's party? This guy thinks so:

These folks are scary.


  1. Well, if they identify that guy, he's going to have a nice chat with the Secret Service.

    I understand that McCain can't control, entirely, what his supporters shout at a rally. But both he and Palin have an obligation to repudiate those remarks, if they hear them (even I'll give them that, since it can be difficult to hear from a podium what's happening in the crowd).

    But there are clear instances when McCain has heard those remarks (the "he's a terrorist" shout). And because he didn't think anything about it at the time, he had to be told by other Republicans to tone it down (Republicans like David Gergen & David Frum).

    Now, we won't get into the problem with a Presidential candidate who needs to be told to do the right thing. But these comments are coming from his supporters; there is nothing comparable happening at Obama rallies. No one has cried for blood. And when your own party is warning you, maybe it's time to stop playing the "But he does it to" game, grow up and act like a leader.

    Instead, McCain is choosing to make an issue of this(again, after those in his party reprimanded him verbally) and by doing so, McCain has now shown that he is willing to engage directly in racist politics.

    Why is McCain attacking John Lewis, a Civil Rights Hero, who McCain as recently as the forum at Saddleback listed Lewis as one of the three wisest people he would consult as President?

    Why does McCain think he knows better than John Lewis, who had his skull busted open more than a few times fighting for the rights of our fellow citizens? Does McCain think Lewis doesn't recognize racism when he hears it?

    Lewis was very clear in his comments that he was referring to what he heard from people at McCain rallies. He was well within reason to call out the incendiary rhetoric of Sarah Palin and John McCain for inciting some of those who have shown up at their rallies to shout the awful things they have; but he didn't.

    Instead, he chose to pick a fight with John Lewis. And I think if any reasonable person thinks about it for a second, they'll understand precisely why McCain has picked this fight.

    Think about who the fight is with, how that positions McCain and how it shows that McCain is willing to sink even lower and engage in the most disgusting kind of campaign tactics.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Jaywillie,

    By your demented logic, the Obama campaign needs to apologize for their supporters calling Sarah Palin a c*nt and should repudiate such statements in the strongest terms.

    Or do the idiots who wear t-shirts like that get a pass?

  4. Obama could repudiate them, and McCain would just turn it into another attack. How about that Barack Obama was trying to supress their free speech rights to call Sarah Palin something John McCain calls his wife?

    Also, they were not threatening violence. There is a difference.

  5. John K: Of course we also have that avowed liberal who set up a Halloween display in his yard that features a Hussein Obama figurine running from a threatening McCain. But the left has no threatening anger. Noooooooo. None at all. LOL LOL LMAO
