October 22, 2008

Maybe they should have spent that $150,000 a little more carefully...

Check out the "vote" scarf with the donkeys on it:

(h/t to Daily Kos)


  1. Maybe she's actually a Democratic mole! That would explain a lot.

  2. This is emblematic of the McCain campaign's misfires as whole. He he he!

    Of course, the Gov. has assured everyone God will do "the right thing" on election day, so, no worries, yeah?

  3. She cannot possibly this obtuse. Can she?

    How could she not know? And why did her staff let her go out wearing it? This is just pathetic.

    An article in this weekend's NY Times Magazine will reveal that Palin was NEVER on McCain's VP shortlist and that the discussion to select her lasted an hour. And it was a last second pick. It's clear she was not vetted.

    Also, I hear that in the interview McCain and Palin conducted with NBC's Brian Williams that there's visible tension between McCain and Palin and some are wondering if McCain isn't starting to blame her for his plummet into electoral irrelevancy.

  4. Ya think it might be FEMALE MOOSE?


    No way does the scarf depict donkeys.

  5. I think they are not donkeys, but asses.....

    And sure, the selection of Palin was done way above McCain by GOP operatives how had two thoughts; groom someone for the future (since McCain clearly has none) and set fire to his campaign one way or the other. Now we realize, mostly the other.

    Though Palin may rise again. The GOP certainly sees her as the anti-Hillary. Whether she becomes a Dan Quayle footnote in history, or the new face of the Republican Party remains to be seen...

