October 25, 2008

Obama at Mellon Arena on Monday!

I heard a rumor about this yesterday (Thanks!) and it's being reported on WPXI this morning.

Barack Obama will rock Mellon Arena in Pittsburgh this Monday @ 3:00.

More details as they become available...

Sen. Barack Obama Returning to Pennsylvania

Will hold rallies in Pittsburgh and Chester next week

PHILADELPHIA, PA - Sen. Barack Obama will return to Pennsylvania next week to hold two Change We Need Rallies. He will speak in Pittsburgh on Monday night and in Chester Tuesday morning. At the rallies, Sen. Obama will speak to supporters about what's at stake in this election and the importance of getting out the vote. He will also talk about his plans to stand up for the middle class and lead Americans through the current economic crisis, and how he will provide the change we need in Washington.


Pittsburgh, PA

Mellon Arena
66 Mario Lemieux Place
Pittsburgh, PA 15219

Doors Open: 3:00PM

The event is free and open to the public. Tickets are not required, however, a RSVP is strongly encouraged. To RSVP please visit http://www.pa.barackobama.com/ . Parking is very limited, please carpool or use public transportation if possible. For more information please contact the Pittsburgh Obama-Biden HQ at 412-867-6673

***For security reasons do not bring bags or umbrellas and please limit personal items. No signs or banners allowed.***

UPDATE 2: RSVP @ http://my.barackobama.com/page/s/pittsburghBO


  1. I've been trying to find information about this rally on the Website you've listed, but it isn't there yet.

    I'll be there anyway, but I'd like to check in first!

  2. Laurie,

    FYI: The info that I posted came from an Obama press release this morning to the media (I'm on their media list).

    I will post additional info when I get it, but likely by then you'll all have received an email from the Obama campaign.

  3. Obam's scheduled to speak at 5 p.m., but it might be wise to get there early.

    Here's (hopefully) a link to rsvp


  4. this is my first political rally, but i'm very excited about it. is there a separate place for people who have rsvp'ed? or is there just one line?

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