October 17, 2008

Posted Without Comment


  1. David... congratulations. I hope your marriage is beautiful. May you find much growth as a person through this experience. I truly wish you and your soon-to-be-wife the very best.

    Speaking from experience, may I say: Treat her well. Always listen, even if you don't care. And never hesitate to be romantic with her, even after many years.

    And I do hope she appreciates you, and treats you well also.

    Be good to each other, always doing what is best for the other. Anticipate one another's needs.

    Again, all the BEST to you, David... and may you and she have a very happy life together.

  2. Congratulations, I wish you much love and happines.
    Thank you for your half of "2 Political Junkies".(To the other half, thank you too.)
