October 2, 2008


(Uncommitted Voters who watched the debate)

46% of uncommitted voters who watched the debate tonight thought JoeBiden was the winner. 21% thought Sarah Palin won, 33% thought it was a draw... 98% after the debate saw [Biden] as knowledgeable (79% beforethe debate).


Who Did the Best Job In the Debate?

Biden 51%
Palin 36%

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  1. Well, she proved that she can read from notecards. The winking was a bit much; a little tacky and fake.

    Republicans are happy, but tonight's debate didn't do anything for them - they really needed to appeal to independents and voters who haven't made up their minds. Appealing to the base just isn't going to win McCain this election.

    She told a number of whoppers, she didn't know who the commander in Afghanistan is(it's McKiernan, not McClellan), she didn't distance her ticket from the Bush administraiton, she didn't offer much in terms of substance and she relied too much on attacks.

    Again, Repubs will love the attacks, but it's not working for them.

    My guess is that McCain/Palin will spend the next four weeks running one of the most dishonest, viscious campaigns against Obama. It will be attack, attack, attack. And it won't work.

  2. Her remarks about the teaching profession show clearly that she has yet no knowledge of the Republicans' utter disdain for-- and constant scapegoating of-- educators in public schools.

    I imagine she will be briefed by tomorrow morning.

  3. Republicans' utter disdain for-- and constant scapegoating of-- educators in public schools.
    Like the Democrats/Teachers union utter disdain for-- and constant scapegoating of-- charter schools and homeschooling which outperform the public schools.

    BTW Sarah Palin sent her kids go to public school.

    Unlike Obama, Biden, and McCainwho sent their kids went to private schools.

    Why no questions on the second amendment.
    I would to see Joe "Assault Weapons ban" Biden answer that one.

  4. Heir, do you think there is any point to Senators sending their kids to private schools, that the kids might be better predicted in a private school from a random kid acting on their parents opinions?

    Meanwhile, what kind of example do you think Sarah Palin has set for kids in America? That if you are interested in politics, don't bother with history, economics and political science. That stuff is boring, and not really what politics is about anyway. Politics is about being the most popular, so if you want to be in politics, try a beauty pageant and see if you compete well. If you do, study communications and practice you television skills, find out what goes over well with everyday people. Learn how to flirt on camera (eg wink). Learn how to ramble and babble patriotically. And be sure to praise teachers, that plays well with the masses.

    Do you think she is a good politician or a good public servant? Do you think that Joe Biden or Barack Obama are good politicians or good public servants?

  5. "that the kids might be better predicted in a private school from a random kid acting on their parents opinions?"

    er, protected, not predicted. It's early yet.

  6. Make up your mind, Heir.

    Either you champion charter schools/homeschooling or you praise Palin for sending her kids to public school.

    Which is it?

    And what was up with her support for Civil Unions? I'm sure that surprised some Evangelical Republicans.

    Part of me thinks she was deliberately presenting moderated positions to make the ticket appear less extreme in its policies and to appeal to the voters who will decide this eleciton(too bad she came off sounding like a nasty partisan hack).
