November 6, 2008

Found Object

I found a very interesting clip at the DailyKos. Sometime after Senator Obama was declared winner (and became President-Elect Obama) this "mob" staged this scene outside of the White House:

Dirty Lib'ruls. Don't they have any respect??


  1. Remember the mobss outside the Navy Observatory in 2000 chanting "Get out of Cheney's house?"

  2. there's a video of a group in nyc doing the same thing.... only they had MUCH better pitch. lol.

  3. Just to update everyone, North Carolina has been called by Fox, NBC and the AP for Obama, moving his total electoral votes up to 364!

  4. John K: Did the mob march anyone to the guilotine and force them to confess their sin of being a conservative? That will be so cool watching you liberals cut off someone's head all the while the victim yelling, "But, I voted for Obama." LOL

  5. johnk,

    Just wondering,....How did Operation Chaos work out, anyway? That rush, what a genius.

  6. John, you're projecting again.

    Remember, it's your party's conservatives who want to purge your party of all moderates.

    Have you forgotten your "Powell was never a real Republican and it's time to get rid of all RINO's from the party?" Have you forgotten your rants about only having ideologically pure conservatives in the Republican Party and that it's time for Republicans to get rid of "traitors" like Powell, Duberstein, Lincoln Chafee, Chris Buckley, David Frum, David Brooks, Kathleen Parker, Peggy Noonan, etc.?

  7. I wonder whether the Bushes placed their hands over their hears as the Star-Spangled Banner was performed outside their windows.

    I suspect they did not need to place their hands over their hearts, because the crowd was chanting "Obama" and "Yes We Can" before and after singing the national anthem. Which means they were not pro-America Americans, as defined by some Executive Order (which is classified for national security reasons, of course) and therefore their singing of the anthem probably was bogus.

    This is a great country.

  8. John K: Operation Chaos worked well, thanks for asking. First, it goal was to keep Hillary in the race long enough to expose liberals for the hypocrites that they are. And it did that. She stayed in the race till June instead of dropping out in April. Two, it also destroyed the crediblity of news outlets. No one believes them or the polls. So it achieved its assigned goals. Made you left wingers look like the hypocrites you are.

  9. John K: Yep, that is right. This election got rid of most of the liberals Republicans in Congress. Shays was one. We are not done purging yet. But folks like Hagel and Powell are now your problem. LOL LOL LOL And when they want to change back. LMAO

  10. johnk,

    Is that all "Operation Chaos" was supposed to do? I thought that it was supposed to weaken both candidates, and ultimately lead to Obama's candidacy, since he was seen as the candidate that McCain would have an easy time with.

    Wait, what am I thinking? You'd never admit that the whole thing was ludicrous, or, more properly, rush would never admit it.

    And, yeah. Nobody trusts polls anymore. The last "Poll of Polls" had Obama up by 6.8%. Who could believe them after that?

  11. John K.

    You are truly amazing. What a hypocrite you are.

    You go from "Did the mob march anyone to the guilotine and force them to confess their sin of being a conservative?" to "We are not done purging yet."

    You're hysterical, my man. Absolutely hysterical.

    You cry about the mean "liberal" media and mean ol' liberals and how they want to get rid of conservatives, which is just absurd, and then proceed to explain why moderates/liberals need to be purged from the Republican Party.

    Which is it? Because you can't cry about this myth about liberals wanting to "disappear" conservatives when you are advocating "disappearing" anyone in your party that doesn't agree with you 100%.

    Do you see how you're what you accuse us of being?

    And, John K., I and other Democrats welcome Colin Powell and Chuck Hagel - you don't get expelled from the Democratic party for having a difference of opinion. People like them are part of the reason your side lost.

    But good luck winning with an even more conservative Republican Party.

  12. And, John, you said repeatedly in the past that Operation Chaos was supposed to divide Dems by keeping the primaries going and dividing Clinton supporters from Obama supporters.

    Now it's something completely different?

    You failed, John K. Your party failed. Your ideology failed.

    Have fun in the political wilderness with the rest of the Paranoid Right.

  13. John K: Nope never said Operation Chaos was supposed to divide Democrats.  Nor did Limbaugh.  The purpose was to keep Hillary in the race longer than she would have been able to on her own thereby keeping the Obama and Hillary attack machines up and running.  Forcing them to make comments that expose you liberals for the bigots that you are.  And it worked.  So who is projecting now? LMAO Listen and read left wing kooks, listen and read. 

  14. The polls were remarkably accurate., in particular, was reliable.

    The unreliable forecasts came from hard-core conservatives like Fred Barnes and Ed Morrissey, whose brains apparently could not distinguish faith and hope from evidence and reason, and from the Republican Party/McCain campaign, which claimed they had a chance in Pennsylvania as late as the day before their double-digit loss.

    I believe fivethirtyeight was within a tenth of a percent on the national popular vote; got 49 or 50states right; was strong on every Senate rate except Alaska (whose reported turnout is so strange it merits more attention); and provided a worthwhile read on the electoral college prospects.

    Conservatives don't like the media or polls, but they are proven losers. Which probably explains why they don't like polls these days.
