November 2, 2008

Jack Kelly Sunday - An Update

Remember this posting?

In it, our friend Jack Kelly actually misrepresented a more-ridiculous-than-usual wingnut theory about Senator Obama. Namely that William Ayers ghost-wrote Obama's book, Dreams From My Father. Jack only pointed out that there were "coincidences." But coincidences, if they happen by definition happen "out of the blue." The allegation is that Ayers wrote Obama's book - how could that be "a coincidence"?

Well,there's an update to this story. This late in the campaign, in what has to be a most desperate hail-mary pass, someone in the GOP tried to get some more evidence to "prove" that Ayers wrote Obama's book.

Too bad for them it didn't work. Oxford Don Peter Millican sets the scene:
Last Sunday [October 26] I received an urgent call from Bob, a man close to a Republican congressman in the American west. He wanted to enlist my services to prove a scandalous allegation against Barack Obama, which would surely affect his prospects in the forthcoming election. Namely, that his famous 1995 memoir, Dreams from My Father, on which so much of his reputation was built, was in fact written largely by Bill Ayers, a Vietnam-era domestic terrorist.
On his website, Millican writes that he is totally confident that the story is false. He's got some of that reality based scientific evidence to back him up, too! Not that any evidence will convince the wingnuts at this point.

Go read it, Jack. It'll do you some good to get back to "evidence" and "reality."

And the rest of the story? The Republican who contacted Millican was willing to pay for the analysis, but as soon as Millican informed him; 1) that based some initial work the assertion was "very implausible" and 2) whatever his conclusion it should be made public, the Republican's interest waned.

Go figure.


  1. John K: Based on how Hussein Obama handles himself in front of impromptu crowds, yah Ayers helped write the book. Hussein Obama is no intellectual. He speaks well with a prepared text and a teleprompter but other than that he gets his butt handed to him by Joe the Plumber, an average citizen. And Hussein Obama has to use the threat of the mob to silence opposition. Remember, his birth certificate was sealed after his last visit to HI. And now you are trying to tell me he wrote that book. LOL LOL LMAO

  2. John K: If Hussein Obama had the ability to write anything above a 9th grade level then release his writings from law school. Once again I made my case and enjoy slamming the left.

  3. Have you gone, John K, to a library to read the Law Review article identified as Obama's by Politico?

    Based on McCain's erratic performence during the debates and on Meet the Press (last Sunday), I can't believe he wrote his five books. Oh wait, there is a second author on every one. I guess John McCain is incapable of writing a book on his own. McCain's grades at Annapolis indicate he is not much of a scholar. Obama's grades indicate he is. Somehow, I don't blame him for not wanting to release his essays and tests to the likes of you (although I have never heard anyone ask about Obama's writings, so clearly it is something you are making up, another John K fantasy). You would claim to be fair and balanced and then mangle every hypothetical. Actually, "yah", Rush would do it. It would be a bit much for you to read past a paragraph.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Obama's law school writings have been released. The were in the Harvard review. Please educate your sorry self before opening your mouth.

  6. The reason why Obama had trouble debating Joe the Plumber was no fault of Obama. Joe the Plumber was both lying about different stances, his background, etc. So basically, Obama attempted to educate/debate an idiot. Guess what happens....

    It is the same thing that happens when people attempt to argue with the idiot known as John K. You can't debate an idiot. For even though you are right, the idiot will never admit it and you end up looking like a fool.

    But don't worry John K, you can enjoy Joe the Plumber's upcoming album and book as he takes advantage of you and your lack of intelligence.

  7. billrot,

    Please refrain from swearing directly at people on this blog.

    For example, you can comment that "Bush is a f'ing joke" unless you are commenting directly to Bush (who has never to my knowledge commented here unless he's John K).

    Seriously, please take it down a notch.


  8. John K: Telling me to shut up is exactly how the left responds to any attacks on Hussein Obama. This man is no intellect. Joe the Plumber floored him with one punch. The man cannot speak without a teleprompter and someone having written the phrases for him. When faced with opposition he also uses the phrase shut up by throwing news reporters off the plane. LOL LOL LMAO You folks are voting for a fraud. And when he gets away from a teleprompter he proves it.

  9. John K: Think I am wrong? Then why hasn't he held a press conference in over a month. Nor has he appeared on any Sunday talk shows. I am always right.

  10. Obama did appear all those other times previously on Sunday Morning News shows ...

    What did you think of Obama's piece in the Havard Law Review?

  11. Maria,

    I respected your wishes and took done the original posting. I won't leave a response as I did like that again.

  12. Ok, I will comment to the troll that goes by the name John K.

    Your latest comment demonstrates your childish nature and idiocy. "Obama is no intellect" Are you for real???

    Obama was a professor at one of our nations greatest educational institutions, the University of Chicago. Obama was the editor at one of the greatest school reviews, the Harvard Review. You do not get these positions out of a lack of intellect.

    So please, go back to your scholars of Palin, GW Bush, and Joe the Bullcrap Plumber....but don't say anything else that makes you look like a bigger idiot than you already are.

    Simply put, your comments portray you as a joke of a person who should just go away and stop attempting to spread your lunacy.

  13. John K said "I am always right."

    Not even close buddy. Sitting here laughing at you along with everyone else on the blog.
