November 1, 2008

Robocall Today

We got a robocall today. Here's the text:
Hello. I'm calling on behalf of John McCain to tell you that Barack Obama's "Share the wealth" tax plan puts your Medicare and Social Security at risk. Here's how: When Obama raises your taxes then spreads your wealth around, what he's really doing is taking taxes meant to fund Social Security and Medicare and giving the money to people who don't pay any taxes at all.

We work hard for our Social Security and Medicare. It's not right for Obama to put it at risk.

This call was paid for by McCain/Palin 2008 at 866 558-2875.
I'll try to get an audio posted AS SOON AS I FIGURE OUT HOW TO DO IT.

If anyone can give me a hand on this, drop me an e-mail.


  1. The McCain/Palin campaign is so schizo it's pathetic.

    On the one hand, they are pretty much ignoring the whole "Obama's illegal aunt" issue (at least today) saying it's family member. Surprisingly rational of them.

    On the other hand, I saw at least two completely repellent ads tonight, one pushing Obama's relationship with Reverend Wright, and another saying that "Obama would be tested by our enemies within six months."

    Um, are the Republicans completely forgetting that about nine months into the last new Republican administration, the country was tested by outside terrorists, and, frankly, failed the test miserably???

  2. John K: So along with this ad can anyone tell me the level of income one needs to be below to avoid Hussein Obama's tax increases. Orginally, when Ayers was advising him it was $250,000. Last week it dropped to $200,000. His advisor, Richardson, have it as low as $150,000 and Biden says it is $150,000. So yah, what do the words "share the wealth" mean to you lefties? LOL LMAO Of course we already have that in place in our society, it is called earned income tax credit. So whoever thinks the left does not redistribute income is well supporting Hussein Obama and living on hope and revenge. LMAO

  3. John K: To Laurie we kicked Al Queda butt and that just pisses you off. You so wanted Saddam and Al Queda to win just to embaress Bush but he stood up to the challenge and whipped them all over the mid east. You lose. LMAO

  4. johnk,

    It's not that complicated, unless, of course, you and McCain supporters like you, just want to lie about it.

    IF you make less than $200,000: Tax cut.

    IF you make between $200,000 and $250,000: No change.

    $250,000 and above: Tax increase.

  5. It's funny that johnk uses the EIC as his example of "redistributing wealth."

    It was proposed by that famous socialist economist, Milton Friedman. It was implemented during the administration of that famous "fellow traveler," Richard Nixon.

    johnk,...If "taxing and spending," is re-distributing wealth, what is it when it's just "spending," running enormous deficits, as GW so disastrously did? And, as John McCain will continue to do?

  6. John K: LOL Nope Hussein Obama orginally said below $250,000. He maintained that line for 9 months until recently he lowered it to $200,000 and Biden said $150,000. What you think we don't have you on tape. LOL LOL LMAO

  7. John K: Earned income tax credits is just that. Redistribution of wealth. Which compeletly destroys the line that the poor pay taxes. They receive all their FICA back and the EITC more than makes up for what they put out in SSN and medicare. So the poor pay no federal and in this state no taxes and demand that the rich give them money in return for not rioting. That is called socialism. No other word for it other than theft.

  8. John K: Kimber, you feel proud that your living standard depends on govt checks from people who make more money than you. I bet you do. LOL LMAO Welfare queens unite!

  9. johnk,

    Provide me with the transcript where Obama says, well, whatever it is that you claim he said. You "have the tape." Sholdn't be to hard for you.

    As far as the EIC: Its objective was one that conservatives, like Milton Freidman, supported: Removing disincentives to work for the "working poor."

    Are you saying that's a bad thing, johnk?

    (You don't even know who Milton Friedman was, do you? LOL!)

  10. I believe Obama said if your income was below $250,000 you would not see a tax increase. I think it would be a fine idea for him to lower the income level where you see a tax credit. I think the middle class should forgo a tax credit in this economy.

    As for the line that the poor somehow have great lives because they get a few thousand dollars from the government once a year, I am sure you could find several million poor people who would trade lives with you, John K. If Obama can make good on his promises and improve their education and make college available to them, they will still have to get past the bigotry of people like you to get good jobs that pay a meaningful wage. Of course, John McCain would do nothing to help them, he would just leave the failure of the free market in place. Which I am sure would be fine with you.
