December 16, 2008

Just say no

Governor Patterson of New York doesn't want you to do coke Coke.


  1. John K: Yah it is a fat tax. Limbaugh has been predicting this for 5 years. Also, Mayor Bloomberg wants all salt shakers removed from the tables in restuarants. This tax will raise 404 million for NY. You lefties want Govt medical care. This is it. LOL LOL LMAO Fat people beware. Next is qrtrly weigh-ins at the County Court House. I am applying to run the Physical Training sessions. LOL LOL LMAO

  2. ha. i was about to say that this is about the dumbest thing i've ever read... but then i came here and read john k.

    fat people beware? last i checked, limbaugh wasn't exactly svelt.

  3. John K: SO Cathcatz, you think it is false? Hello, Mayor Bloomberg did in fact propose this along with the idea from Gov Patterson. NY can raise 404 million from this tax. Cathcatz, these are your Democrats in action. That is what makes it so funny. LOL LOL LMAO Your pals. LOL LOL

  4. John K: By the way Cathcatz, you wouldn't call Oprah fat. (She is) You wouldn't call Rosie O'Donnell fat (She is) Or some of the liberals in here. But you call Limbaugh fat. How politically correct of you. LOL LOL

  5. i'm not doubting that its a genuine proposal, and i do believe that it's a stupid idea. i don't imagine it will go anywhere.

    as for your assertion about oprah and rosie compared to rush... i would absolutely make the same statement, as it's true, that neither of them are exactly svelt either.

    but YOU are the one throwing around the FAT label, not me.

  6. Right, John K., you keep telling people what they wouldn't or would do. But why would cathcatz mention Oprah or Rosie O'Donnell? Yes, they are overweight, but so are two thirds of us (including me). However, you have self-identified with Rush Limbaugh, so it is relevant to mention him when you say "Fat people beware" (which is when you first brought up the fat label). You really need to listen to someone with some manners. Go back and watch some old videos of William F Buckley.

  7. John K: Cathcatz, Sherry is your head buried in that much liberal sand. Gov Patterson has already proposed this as a solution to the NY State budget deficit. Did you not read that it generates 404 million in new revenue. Did not Bloomberg not force restuarants to alter their cooking habits. This is a fat tax. It will eventually go on everything containing sugar. Eventually fast food restuarants will have to stop serving fat people. And fat people, in a govt run health care system, will be denied care. They cost too much. Hillary Clinton herself proposed this. But I am going to nominate myself to run the physical fitness portion of the program. Oh yah!

  8. John K: And these are all liberals and Democrats. Republicans don't care squat how much you weigh. Reopublicans see profit in fat. They are willing to sell you more food. What do I care if you eat 10 big macs a day.

  9. wait, do you think i'm sherry, or are you confused in thinking that sherry also posted a comment?

    who has their head in the sand?

  10. i don't know. i'm me, you are you and i think john k. has his head somewhere OTHER than sand!

  11. John K: One liberals is the same as another. They all parrot the same party line. Big Macs with fries, yummmmmmm.

  12. Just like one conservative drug addict on the radio is the same as another. All conservatives parrot the same party line. Make money without consideration for the future. Get people to take mortgages without checking their income, without worrying about breaking the law by not doing due diligence, then sell the mortgages away to suckers in the market, because we know that house prices will never fall, the housing bubble will never end. Hey, so what if the country plunges into a depression if the big three go into bankruptcy, at least conservative politicians got to posture for their redneck, gap toothed constituents.

  13. Seems like a fairly dumb idea to me too, but I like how John K alludes to NYC requiring restaurants to list nutritional information for their foods. The industry fought that tooth and nail, lost, published the info and guess what? People STILL eat in restaurants in NYC!

    I really don't know why reichtards like John K don't want to know what's in the stuff their stuffing into their pieholes.
