December 17, 2008

Time's Man Of The Year

Not much of a surprise.


  1. Time says, nuts to you, we're putting Barack Obama on our cover again and we're making it as iconic and dynamic as possible using tropes that have been working for us.

    Justified because 1) he's the man of the year and 2) if you succeed in playing an iconic role over time, you deserve your accolades.

    Of course, I think this will be the high water mark for awhile.

  2. No surprise here. Very deserving.

  3. The easiest choice they've had in years.

  4. John K: Irrelevant. Time lost any credibility on this point when they nominated anyone who hated Bush. *Yawn* who cares?

  5. John K: This has become like any other award. Hate Bush, you get an award. Nobel Peace prize became irrelevant when they gave it to Carter. But I did notice that the Oscars want to get back to basics. They have Hugh Jackman as a host. So I guess smarmy (something left wing kooks like to do) comments made at these award shows on politics have now been declared off limits by the media and Hollywood crowd. Like I have been saying, left wingers cannot stand being called out on their issues. LOL LOL LMAO But conservatives still own the airwaves.

  6. John K needs to do his homework again.

    Time person of the year:

    2000 - George W, Bush
    2001 - Rudy Giuliani
    2003 - The American Soldier
    2004 - George W Bush (again)

    Bush haters all!

  7. Good come back, David.

    This choice does annoy me a little, although maybe Time would explain in their article. And I can't see one other person having a bigger impact on the US in 2008 than Obama. But the choice annoys me because right now Obama is just potential. He is not yet President, he has not made one decision as President yet. If Obama is man of the year next year, that will be something. But I fear the man of the year next year will be the Forgotten Man (no, I am not that old, but I really like "My Man Godfrey"; I've only seen the William Powell version).

  8. John K: Dayvoe is right up to 2004. The left never expected this Bush guy to actually win in 2004. After that, it became the mantra to trash Bush at every opportunity. Which is why awards now go to anyone who trashes Bush. Which is why Time is irrelevant. But, now that Hussein Obama is in, award shows will stop using their air time to just trash Bush. *Yawn* boring.

  9. The last three awards (before Obama) went to (2005) Bill and Melinda Gates and Bono, (2006) "you" (a mirror on the cover) and (2007) Vladimir Putin. All notorious Bush bashers. Yes, liberals don't like Bush. Yes, many, though hardly all, reporters are personally liberal on social policy, although many are moderate to conservative on fiscal policies. But even then, a Magazine like Time doesn't want to offend huge numbers of people by bashing Bush too much. And while suggesting there is a vast media conspiracy is good to whip up ultra conservatives, it is not backed up by reality. Meanwhile, John K continues to embarrass conservatives and drive Limbaugh back onto drugs.

    Oh, I should have said "lost man" in my previous comment, not "forgotten man". I regret the error, and any distress it may have caused (heh).

  10. The choice is about "who will sell the most magazines." Talk of any other reason is superfluous. Fashion magazines learned a decade ago that they could sell more mags with celebs in dresses than they could models, so ending the "supermodel" period. Ditto "news" magazines, who seek the cover which will feather their nest the best.


  11. John K: Well heck, if it is all about selling magazines then how many did they sell with Hitler or Stalin on the cover?

  12. That was a different time, clueless troll....

    Before nearly every journalistic tenant was sold off in favor of the GOP's "market forces" and profit motive; back when, at least a few news outlets did "the right thing."

  13. Bram, David -

    It's *person* of the year.

    Not man of the year.
