December 3, 2008

The War on Reason

  • Creationism: The Latest In Military Suicide Prevention

  • God is Kentucky's first line of defense against terrorism

  • City removes and destroys "Imagine No Religion" billboard

  • Another priest tells Obama supporters they must confess their sin of voting for him


    1. John K: What do you care what a priest says? He has no force of law. Looks to me like you are trying to prohibit his free speech. By the way, as exemplified by the liberals in here, it is in God we trust. Because if we are trusting you, we have no rights.

    2. John K: How about that Chambliss guy. And best of all, Obama sent 400 operatives down to GA to help out what's his Democrats name? Chambliss only called on Palin. LOL LOL LMAO Conservatives win!

    3. John K: You left wing kooks have no courage. You have no problem mocking the Christian/Jewish God but won't say a word about Mohammed or Allah. LOL LOL LMAO The muslims won't tolerate it. Shows how much guts you left wingers have. Remember it is the muslims who put women in Burkhas. And Maria would look so good in one. LMAO

    4. Religious institutions do not get taxed. For that, they are not supposed to politically advocate. They can't have it both ways.

    5. little boy,

      Could you give an example of the "mocking [of]the Christian/Jewish God" that you allege.

    6. The election results of the most recent two years indicate that we should hope that conservatives keep "winning," as our friend John claims to understand that term.

    7. Amazing, residents of the City of Pittsburgh bringing up the Constitution
      When they voted for this twat on the Pittsburgh city Council.
      “Who really cares about it being unconstitutional?” said Councilwoman
      Tonya Payne. “This is what’s right to do, and if this means that we have to go out and have a court battle, then that’s fine … We have plenty of dead bodies coming up in our streets every single day, and that is unacceptable.”

    8. John, the IRS says:

      Currently, the law prohibits political campaign activity by charities and churches by defining a 501(c)(3) organization as one "which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for public office."

      Those are the rules, if you don't like them, argue with the IRS.

    9. John K: LOL LOL LOL LMAO Does that IRS rule apply to Bill Clinton or Rev Wright. Or even Father Flueger. LOL LMAO You left wingers are really nuts to try and use the IRS rule. LOL

    10. John K: Kimber, ditch your union mentality and use your brain.

    11. John K: Chambliss is on the radio bragging about his HUGE victory. Obama sent 400 operatives down to GA. Chambliss had Palin. I WIN!

    12. little boy,

      Could you give a source for those "400 operatives?"

      It's a sign of how badly Republican support has eroded, that you'd consider an incumbent Republican senator winning in Georgia to be a considerable achievment.

      Chambliss only narrowly missed pulling the "50% + 1 vote" that he needed, on Nov. 4th, with Obama on the ticket to drive turnout, in a state that McCain won handily. Withot a 3rd-party candidate on the ballot to take votes away from him, Chambliss would have won easily. In fact, yesterday, with only 2 candidates on the ballot, he did win, quite predictibly.

      FYI, little boy,...In addition to Palin, Chambliss had Gov. Sonny Perdue, former Gov. Zell Miller, and John McCain, campaigning for him. That Senate seat was exponentially more important to the RNC, than it was to the DNC.

      Just because you didn't know about their efforts, hardly means that they didn't happen.

    13. John K: So in Calif the left ran an ad showing two white mormons knocking on the door of a lesbian couple and then yanking the wedding rings off their fingers and gloating about it. The two were not black, (who opposed prop 8) nor were they muslim, (who also opposed prop 8) but Mormons. Now why weren't they the other two groups, because the left fears retaliation from those groups so they demonize Christians/Jewish beliefs. The 2nd point is why doesn't Kimber know this? Her side ran the ad. LOL LMAO LMAO

    14. John K: Zell Miller, a former Democrat, the formerly honorable McCain, LOL LOL and Palin. LMAO You left wingers called those people losers. Yet Chambliss won 60 - 40. The source for the 400 Obama operatives is MSNBC, Maddow. Now why doesn't Kimber know this. Its her people that were the source. LMAO See how stupid she is. I always WIN! Always!

    15. Wow, John.

      You are just unhinged. Get a grip on reality, dude.

    16. little boy,

      In what way would such an ad, not that I think you actually saw it, constitute "mocking the Christian/ Jewish God?"

      Oh, and, little boy, I note that, in your mockery of the folks who campaigned for Chambliss, you ignored Sonny Perdue, who is the current Governor of Georgia. In fact, his brother, Tom "the Dark Prince" Perdue, ran the Chambliss campaign.

    17. I know of the ad to which JK refers. The reason why it was Mormons who yanked off the lesbian couple's wedding rings is because money from the Mormon Church and individual Mormons, at the behest of their church, fueled Prop 8 -- half of the money to push Prop 8 came from MORMONS -- not Blacks, not Muslims, not Jews, etc. It therefore makes perfect sense to have Mormons featured in it (to anyone in the reality based community anyway).

      Moreover, the vast majority of that Mormon money come from outside the state of California.

      To top it off, the Mormon Church is now under fire for not reporting their non cash contributions to propping up Prop 8. That would include such things as phone banks, paying for travel to Cali, etc.

    18. Maria,

      Would you describe anything in that ad as mocking the Judeo-Christian God, as johnk alleges?

    19. You can see the ad on YouTube here and judge for yourself.

      Personally, I don't think it mocked a Judeo-Christian God, I think it mocked Mormons sticking their noses into other people's business.

    20. John K: Right Maria. You can get away mocking Mormons and making those claims even though black america voted 70% against this legislation. And muslims did the same. And you would never even think of going after those groups. You been fitted for your Burkha yet?

    21. John K: And of course we have the Gov of Wa putting up that sign in her capital building stating there is no God. Don't worry left wing kooks, this is America. You can get away with mocking Christianity and Israel. But you never ever mock Islam. Never, because you know they won't tolerate it and the courts won't protect you.

    22. " Gregoire, a Democrat, and Republican Attorney General Rob McKenna put out a joint statement Wednesday noting that the federal case led the state to create an inclusive policy:

      'The U.S. Supreme Court has been consistent and clear that, under the Constitution's First Amendment, once government admits one religious display or viewpoint onto public property, it may not discriminate against the content of other displays, including the viewpoints of nonbelievers.'"

    23. So you failed to mention the “holiday tree”, the nativity scene and the Menorah also in the state building. What’s the matter John K., discriminating against certain beliefs?

    24. ANd I don't think athiests threw acid on the WA nativity scene, unlike what happened to the secular statement awhile back.
