January 5, 2009

Senator Franken

Two happy words.

From Reuters:
Democrat Al Franken will be declared the winner of the tight U.S. Senate contest in Minnesota, emerging from a ballot recount with a slim margin over Republican Norm Coleman, state officials said on Sunday.
But Krugman's description of the GOP as a party of whiners extends all the way to Minnesota.
But Coleman, the incumbent, has asked Minnesota's supreme court to require that a few hundred additional absentee ballots be included in the recount -- and he could then ask the court to investigate the contest all over again.
Norm Coleman, WATB.

I wonder if my friend Jack Kelly will be writing another column about how a duly-elected candidate should be seated. I wonder what my friend Jack Kelly thinks of the threatened filibuster by his friends in the GOP?

Questions? Comments? Remarks? Drop me an e-mail.

I've been following the recount in the Minnesota papers, and it looks like everything was done transparently and above the board. Congrats, Senator Franken! That said, I'm not yet convinced he'll be an effective senator. Not because he isn't familiar with the issues or not smart enought (he's both well versed, intellegent, and perceptive) but because as a satirist, I'm not sure his wit/sarcasm will go over well in the old boys club. Now, please prove me wrong Al! That said, I wish we had more citizen legislators like Franken in office, and fewer career politicians.