January 18, 2009

Today At The Lincoln Memorial

The guy standing next to Bruce Springsteen is Pete Seeger. He's a communist.

The times they are a-changin'.

UPDATE From Tony Norman:
Seeger leading the audience in a rendition of Woody Guthrie's "This Land is Your Land" was brilliant and perfectly subversive given the politics of the last eight years. It is no longer a song of protest. It is a song of triumph.


  1. You know the Democrats are back because the music is waaaay better. U2, Springsteen, Mary J. Blige...Bettye lavette and Jon Bon Jovi were great together...and yeah, Pete Seeger.

  2. And Bush in 2000 had, uh, Ricky Martin?

  3. Who remembers back in 1983 when Secretary of the Interior James Watt banned The Beach Boys (of all groups) from playing on the National Mall, saying that rock concerts drew "an undesirable element"?

  4. Jon Bon Jovi & Bettye LaVette at Inaugural Celebration here

  5. A few decades ago, Barack Obama would have been unable to sit at most restaurant tables and Pete Seeger was blacklisted.

    Today, Barack Obama is the president-elect and Pete Seeger is singing at the Lincoln Memorial in an official inauguration concert.

    Several of the lines in John Mellencamp's song -- about the black man who "thinks he's got it so good" and about those dreams of being President -- were particularly apt yesterday.
