January 19, 2009

Why hasn't this woman been arrested?

From Hoyden About Town:

Courthouse News reports that nurse practitioner (or physician assistant, her labels vary) Sylvia Olona pulled out a woman’s IUD when she had just gone in to have the strings shortened. She then proceeded to lecture the woman about an IUD being an abortifacient (debunked here), refused to insert another IUD, and suggested hormonal contraception as an alternative.
And, get this, she does it all the time:

“Defendant Olona stated, ‘Everyone in the office always laughs and tells me I pull these out on purpose because I am against them, but it’s not true, they accidentally come out when I tug.’
I agree with the commenter who wrote:

From the sounds of this story it was premeditated battery...IUD insertion is a non-trivial procedure with a risk of pelvic infection and of uterine perforation...So...the whole bit about endangering this woman’s life.

Then there’s the little technical detail about how, if the story as written about the traps is true, she went back after trimming the strings (ie after completing the procedure requested and consented for) in order to “tug” on them. Insertion of instruments into a woman’s vagina without her consent (including under false pretences) is rape....I’d call this a felony. Or several of them.
This should be a criminal matter, not a suit in civil court..


  1. She does this and laughs and brags about it! Lock her up so she can't assault more women.
