March 5, 2009

Dowd Campaign Launches Campaign Website, Hires Local Firm

From Dowd for Mayor:

Dowd Campaign Launches Campaign Website, Hires Local Firm
Pittsburgh, PA March 5, 2009

This week the Patrick Dowd mayoral campaign launched a website at The campaign hired local start-up Bearded Studio to develop the site design and functionality.

"Our web design team epitomizes a story we'd like to see repeated over and over again in this city. Two young people with an idea and some entrepreneurial spirit start and grow a business right here in Pittsburgh," Dowd said. "Our campaign is thrilled to find and engage great local talent."
As Progress Pittsburgh pointed out, Lil Mayor Luke used an out-of-state company for his website:

Check out this tweet, from a guy in North Carolina - looks like Luke Ravenstahl has a new campaign website . The website is being designed by New Media Campaigns which is based in North Carolina. The guy who posted the tweet is originally from Cleveland, it doesn’t look like this firm has any Pittbsurgh connections.
Hey, Luke! That's a job that could have gone to a Pittsburgher!

Like Dowd, mayoral candidate Carmen Robinson also managed to find a Pittsburgh firm to do her website, Soul Pitt Media, which is owned by a local African American woman. Robinson's website is:

Speaking as a local web designer myself (see a sample of my work at this issue does resonate with me.


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