March 5, 2009

It's official: Lynn Cullen is back!

Now @ WAMO

You may have heard some rumors and now it's official:
Talk host Lynn Cullen is returning to the airwaves.

Starting Monday, she'll host a two-hour talk show on WAMO-AM (860). It will air Mondays through Fridays from 5 to 7 p.m.


Ms. Cullen said she's thrilled to be back. Being off the radio "through such historic times has been a long, silent ordeal for me," she said. Her last day on the air was the day Sen. John McCain announced that Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska would be his running mate in the 2008 presidential election. "I missed all of that and the election. If I ever wanted to be on the air, it was exactly the six months I was pulled."
I certainly missed her voice during the election -- welcome back!

WAMO-AM's welcome here.



  1. I suppose this is good news for both her listeners. /snort

  2. My favorite line of the P-G article:

    "Ms. Cullen's fan base has been very vocal during her absence."

    Yes we have.

  3. FINALLY!!!! Lynn's voice has been sorely missed and I thank WAMO for having the wisdom to bring her back to us. Thank You!!

  4. Wow, I underestimated her listnership... that's 4. /snort

    As for the Over/Under on how long she lasts... I'll take the lesser of 91 days or 31 days after the next radio sweeps period. [Caveat - WAMO likes spending excess cash to Cullen so she can essentially talk to herself.. maybe WAMO is getting some of that there Porkulus $$.)

  5. From You do the math.

    Top News Story…

    Thank GOD! Thank BeJesus! Lynn Freaking Cullen is back on the air! Hooray! Sadly, there are only four neighborhoods in the Pittsburgh area who will be able to receive the signal and actually hear her program, but I digress… Good for Lynn! I heard that she had to use some of her own money to pay for the air time. Granted, I heard that from Phineas (the shark) but he’s met Lynn. They hooked up in a bar bathroom once! I’m pretty confident that he’s right. I find it really amusing that the Gay Community is rejoicing Lynn’s return to the airwaves. You know? Mostly because Lynn doesn’t agree with Gay Marriage. True story. She said it. On stage. In Novemeber. In front of witnesses. Whatever… Why would gay people care about gay marriage? I’m also surprised because Lynn Cullen uses the word, “dyke” very loosely. She claims that it’s okay for her to do it because she’s “the original fag hag” (her words, not mine). So yeah. That’s fun. Oh, and the other reason I’m confused as to why the gay community cares so much about Lynn’s return to the airwaves is because Lynn Cullen NEVER had a regular gay correspondent (like some other Talk Show Hosts I know…), Lynn Cullen NEVER went out of her way to get someone hired to her station who was queer or queer-ish (like some other Talk Show Hosts I know…) and Lynn Cullen (in her own words) is furious when identified as being gay. “It’s dykes like you who make people think I’m lesbian!”(she said that to a colleague in front of several other colleagues backstage at a performance).

    So… Well done Gay Community! You have an ally and advocate back on the air! Bravo!

  6. Hey Mountie . . . which is tougher to find today, a Lynn Cullen listener or a Republican whom Americans trust to govern?

    If your proposition is that Democrats govern while Republicans rule the daytime talkwaves -- dare we dream of a Limbaugh-Palin show, or would that be too much intellectual heft for the airwaves to handle? -- American seem ready to take that deal.

    Thank goodness.

  7. CM, you only wish you could make money for your radio station, rather than lose money. That is, if any radio station would have you, which I highly doubt.

  8. My impression of talk radio (liberal, conservative, or otherwise):

    1) Host raises subject of discussion

    2) host offers his/her ideas about subject

    3) host offers his/her further ideas about subject

    4) host finds different ways to say #2

    5) host finds different ways to say #3

    6) host takes calls, most of which are in complete agreement with and echo #s 2 and 3, and by extension, #s 4 and 5

    [20 minutes later]

    7) Host raises new subject and offers his/her thoughts

    8) repeat of #s 2-6

    [20 minutes later]

    9) Host comes back to first subject

    10) repeat of #s 2-6

  9. What wonderful day in Pittsburgh. Since I saw the article in the PG, I have been counting the hours. 6 hours and 9 minutes--Yeah!

  10. Lynn Cullen has failed at each station she is employed, because no one wants to hear a whiny, Jewwy Jew ranting on the radio. I researched her Arbitron rating the last time she was fired and it was at the lowest point of all time for someone who was still on the air, at 1.0 For those of you who don't know what the number signifies, it means 1% of her "target audience" was listening; and unbelievably the next rating period it got worse: 0.8%. No one has ever figured out exactly who her target audience is but one would guess that it is a female aged 55 to 65 who has lost the knobs on her radio, and therefore cannot change the station and just plugs it in and listens to what is available. I used to listen to her at work when she was on WTAE, but only to the point where she would say the phrase, "I don't know"... and then proceed to tell you her opinion on some glorious leftwing moonbat theory. She even began several broadcasts back there on WTAE radio with the phrase, "I don't know"! I'm willing to bet that she will be gone before Mr. Half-and-half is gone.
