March 13, 2009

KARL ROVE on Fred Honsberger's Show - MONDAY

My friend Fred Honsberger just announced on his Facebook page that KARL ROVE will be on his radio show this Monday March 16th. His show is from noon to three. I have no idea when Rove will be on during those three hours.

Wherever you are on the planet, if you have web access you can listen to the show at:
Just follow the listen live icon.

I think everyone should listen to Fred's show and call in some questions for Karl "Contempt of Congress" Rove.

I have a few. For instance, I'd love for Rove to answer questions about:
  • being held in Contempt of Congress for refusing to testify after being subpoenaed.
  • his part in outing Valerie Plame.
  • his part in the political firing of all those US Attorneys.
  • his part in the prosecution of Governor Siegelman.
  • how the GOP crashed and burned in 2008 despite the fact that he said in 2006 that it would reemerge as the majority in 2008.
  • how he was using non-White House e-mail servers to circumvent the Presidential Records Act.
For starters...

1 comment:

  1. anyone want to bet fred will spend the time sucking up to karl??
